JS チェックボックスの選択内容を統計・制限する

  • 作成者:ayuan0625
  • 編集回数:12次
  • 最終更新:ayuan0625 于 2020-12-30
  • I. Overview

    When using checkboxes, sometimes you may have to add a limit on the number of selected checkboxes. For example, when the sum of the selected values exceeds a limit, a prompt will appear. How to implement it?


    II. Example

    2.1 Template design

    Create a new template and add a Embedded dataset. Add four columns: Level 1, Level 2, Score and Col 4. The data types are all String, as shown in the figure below:

    Insert 8 rows into the dataset, and the data are as follows:

    Design the template as shown in the figure below and add a checkbox widget in D3.

    The data setting in cell A3 is List, as shown below:

    Set the name of checkbox as check1, as shown in the figure below:


    2.2 Add event

    Add a state change event to the chec box, as shown in the following figure:

    image (3).png

    The JS code is as follows:

    var classOnes = [];
    var classTwos = [];
    var points = [];
    var $span = $('.fr-checkbox-checkon'); 
    var $tds = $("td").has($span); 
    var $trs = $("tr").has($tds);
    for(var i=0; i<$trs.length;i++){
    var classOne = $("td:eq(0)",$($trs[i])).html(); 
    var classTwo = $("td:eq(1)",$($trs[i])).html(); 
    var point = $("td:eq(2)",$($trs[i])).html(); 
    var index=0;
    var classAry=[];
    var sumAry=[];
    var aryIndex=0;
    for(var i=0;i<classOnes.length;i++){
    for(var i=0;i<sumAry.length;i++){
    FR.Msg.alert('Prompt','First level menu:'+classAry[i]+', the sum of the selected items exceeds 100, please select again!');


    2.3 Preview effect

    Save the template, choose Pagination Preview, and the effect is shown in the following figure:

    image (4).png

    Note: After testing, the mobile terminal and H5 do not support this effect.

    III. Completed Template

    Attachment List

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