JS 書き込みのすべてのページの行を全選択

  • 作成者:ayuan0625
  • 編集回数:15次
  • 最終更新:ayuan0625 于 2021-01-06
  • I. Overview

    1.1 Requirement

    In Data Entry mode, data will be displayed in several pages if there are huge data. In this case, the common Select All function of checkbox widgets might not be applicable if you need to select all checkboxes on each page. How to pick all checkboxes on all pages in case of data entry pagination?


    1.2 Solution

    Use dynamic parameters to assign values to the widget selected.

    II. Sample

    2.1 Modify the template

    1) Insert checkbox widgets into A1 and A2. Click A2 and set Conditional Formatting-Pagination by inputting the formula &C2 % 5 ==0:


    2) Right-click row 1 and click Set Repeat Title Rows:


    3) Add a template parameter named select:


    4) Input the following formula in both A1 and A2: =$select.


    5) Right-click L1 to add a hyperlink and add a dynamic parameter:

    6) Add a [Status Change] event to the checkbox in A1:


    Input the following JavaScript codes:



    2.2 Preview

    Save the template and preview it in the data entry pagination mode. In the preview, append &__cutpage__=v to the URL. The effect is shown below:


    III. Download the template

    Attachment List

    Theme: FineReport カスタム開発
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