
  • 作成者:ayuan0625
  • 編集回数:3次
  • 最終更新:FRInternational 于 2021-04-20
  • I.Description

    1. Problem description

    Users often use hyperlinks to pass parameters. Sometimes parameters are a string of seemingly meaningless primary keys, which affect the appearance on the page. If they can be hidden, the page will be much more refreshing.

    2. Realization idea

    The fields used as parameters must appear in the data set and page cells, but other cells can be used for hyperlinks.

    II. Example

    1. Main report design

    Create a new normal report: Hide_parameter_main.cpt

    Create a new dataset ds1: SELECT * FROM Category

    The template page design is shown below:


    2. Sub report design

    Create a new normal report: Hide_parameter_sub.cpt

    Create a new dataset ds1: SELECT * FROM Product where CategoryID = '${id}'

    The template page design is shown below:


    3. Set up a hyperlink

    In the main report, we use the CategoryID (cell A2) to pass parameters, but set the hyperlink in the CategoryName (cell B2).

    Set a hyperlink to the B2 cell of the main template: right-click the B2 cell, select the Hyperlink, add a Web Report, and select the sub-template.

    Add a new parameter, the parameter name is id, and the parameter value=A2, as shown in the figure below:


    IV. Effect preview

    Save and preview the template, as shown in the figure below:


    Note: Both HTML5 and App effects can be achieved.

    V.Completed templates

    The completed template can refer to:



    Click to download: 



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    Theme: 帳票機能応用
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