Chart Export Upgrade Instructions

  • 作成者:ayuan0625
  • 編集回数:12次
  • 最終更新:FRInternational 于 2021-03-15
  • I.Overview

    1.Version Introduction

     VersionJAR package version

    2. Problem Description

    For JAR packages of 2020-04-26 and later versions, the export of charts using the phantomjs scheme is cancelled, and the new scheme is used instead.

    When FineReport uses export, timing scheduling, and chart display functions in the designer. If the report is deployed in a Linux environment and the JDK version is below 1.8, you need to load J2V8's and rely on the corresponding version of GCC. If the GCC version is too low, the following problems will occur:

    1)The exported chart is blank and the template has error information:

    "C library and JDK version do not meet the requirements, Please upgrade GBLIC to 2.17 And GLIBCXX to 3.4.19 or JDK to 1.8"

    2)During scheduled scheduling, the export chart is blank, the system message prompts that the operation failed, and an error is reported in the log:

    "C library and JDK version do not meet the requirements, Please upgrade GBLIC to 2.17 And GLIBCXX to 3.4.19 or JDK to 1.8"

    So how to realize that the chart export and timing scheduling functions can be used normally in an environment below JDK1.8 and without J2V8?

    Note: Even if the user's JDK version is above 1.8, it is recommended that users consider upgrading the GCC environment solution first. Export performance will be improved after the upgrade.


    Upgrade the GCC version in the Linux system, and use J2V8 as the JS runtime environment when drawing charts.


    1. Upgrade

    Before upgrading, you need to confirm the GCC version in the current system. Use the following commands to check whether there are GLIBC_2.17and GLIBCXX_3.4.22 in the system.

    Check whether GLIBC_2.17 exists in the system:

    strings /lib64/ | grep GLIBC

    Check whether GLIBCXX_3.4.22 exists in the system:

    strings /usr/lib64/ | grep GLIBCXX

    If the system does not correspond to the GCC version, you can consider whether to upgrade as needed.

    2.Upgrade Steps

    Click to download the upgrade tool:Upgrade,Unzip the upgrade tool, copy it to any directory other than usr, cd into the directory, and execute the following command:

    chmod 755
    chmod 755

    Here chmod adds execution permissions to the script, and ./ is to execute the obtained script.

    After executing the command, the system will automatically upgrade the GCC version.

    III.Escalation Risk

    • GLIBC

    GLIBC is the C runtime library, which is the lowest level API in the Linux system (including various commands of Linux depend on this library). If there are other important items in the system, please upgrade carefully. (The corresponding upgrade file is


    GLIBCXX is a C++ runtime library. Generally, the upgrade will not have much impact, and if there is a problem after the upgrade, the version can be rolled back. (The corresponding upgrade file is

    IV. Common Problem

    1. Picture Fill Export Does Not Show

    1)Problem Description

    The column chart is set with the picture filling effect as shown in the figure below:


    After the chart is exported, the filled picture is not displayed, as shown in the following figure:



    Currently, the image filling function of the column chart does not support this interface of canvas, and it is temporarily exported as a solid color.

    2.The chart Labels and Legends in the Designer are Blurred

    1)Problem Description

    When designing a chart in the designer, the label and legend of the chart are fuzzy, as shown in the following figure:



    This is caused by setting a gray background, just replace it with a white background.


    3 .Does not Support html Parsing

    Check the use of html to parse text content, which may cause the text to be truncated, as shown in the following figure:


    4. Word Cloud Non-default Shape Error

    The word cloud switches to a non-default shape or uploads a picture. Since the graphics path is not currently supported, the shape will not be displayed in the designer and when it is exported. As shown below:


    5. Map Custom TileLayer Background Blank

    If you select TileLayer for the map GIS layer and the URL is a picture, the background of the map is blank in the designer or when exporting, and that picture will not be displayed, as shown in the figure below:

    6.Other Problems


    • Use canvas to export, toolbars and interactive controls are not exported.

    • After the interaction is exported, the boundary is set by the zoom control, and the chart before the interaction or before the zoom is exported.

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