HTML5 効果設定

  • 作成者:ayuan0625
  • 編集回数:7次
  • 最終更新:FRInternational 于 2021-02-25
  • I. Overview

    1. Version

    Report serverJAR packageHTML5 mobile display pluginNew features

    Added 「Use JSBridge」setting

    Added 「Introduce JS」 setting

    Added 「Introduce CSS」 setting

    -V10.4.66Added 「Use main tab navigator」 button
    -V10.4.76Added 「Set Resource URL」setting

    Added 「H5 Integrated Login」 setting

    Added 「Top Navigation」 setting

    2. Function description

    Setting itemApplication scenarioFunction introduction
    Use main tab navigatorWhen users access the report system on the HTML5 side, they hope to switch between the homepage and the directory by means of buttons.Users can switch between the home page and the directory through the 「Use main tab navigator」 button.
    H5 Integrated LoginWhen users access the report system/leaflet template on the HTML5 side, they hope to achieve single sign-on.Users can turn on the 「H5 Integrated Login」setting, and by filling in the custom login authentication class and identification parameter name, HTML5 single sign-on can be realized.
    Top NavigationWhen accessing the report project on the HTML5 side, different users have different needs. Some users want to use the return button that comes with the device, and some users want the report system to have a return button.Users can customize whether to display the return navigation on the HTML5 terminal through the「Top Navigation」.
    Use JSBridgeSometimes HTML5 and Fanruan App need to communicateUsers can turn on the 「Use JSBridge」 button to make the HTML5 terminal communicate with the native App.
    Set Resource URLHTML5 plug-in resources are all placed on the report server. When a user accesses the HTML5 template to request resources, the speed is limited by the bandwidth of the report server.The user can set the resource address on the platform, so when accessing the HTML5 template to request resources, the speed is no longer limited by the bandwidth of the report server.
    Introduce JSUsers sometimes need to achieve some effects on the HTML5 side, such as changing the style of element controls and grids, and the display or hiding of controls.Users can import external JS files and CSS files to achieve some special effects or effects on the HTML5 side.
    Introduce CSS

    II.Plug-in introduction

    1. Plug-in installation

    If you need to set relevant HTML5 settings in the data decision system, you must install theHTML5 Mobile Display plugin.

    Click to download the plugin: HTML5 mobile display 

    Designer plug-in installation method reference Plugin Management 

    Server installation method reference Server plugin management

    2. Introduction to the interface

    After the plug-in is installed, log in to the data decision system as an administrator, click 「Manage>Mobile Platform>Others」, and add 「H5 Setting」, as shown in the following figure:


    III. Bottom home page switch

    When the 「HTML5 mobile display plug-in」version is V10.4.66, the 「bottom homepage switch」 function is supported.

    Turn on the 「bottom home page switch」 button, when users access the report system on the HTML5 side, they can switch between the home page and the directory by means of buttons.

    1. Turn on the bottom home page switch button

    Enter the data decision system as an administrator, click 「Manage>Mobile Platform>Others」, turn on the 「Bottom Home Page Switch」 button, and click 「Save」. As shown below:


    2. Effect preview

    Enter http://IP:port number/webroot/decision on the HTML5 terminal to access the report system. The user can switch between the home page and the directory through the bottom. The effect is shown in the following figure:

    Note 1: For the steps to access the report system on the HTML5 side, please refer to HTML5 end access Report / Project

    Note 2: If the home page is not set, the switch between the home page and the directory cannot be realized. Please refer to the Manage homepage for specific steps.


    IV.H5 integrated login

    When the 「HTML5 Mobile Display Plugin」 version is V10.4.90, the 「H5 Integrated Login」 function is supported.

    When 「H5 Integrated Login」 is turned on, the user accesses the report project or leaflet template through the HTML5 terminal. If it contains the identification parameter name, it will be automatically intercepted for custom login verification.

    Note: After the plug-in is updated, the designer needs to be restarted for this function to take effect.

    1. Upload login authentication class

    This article provides a 「custom login verification class」 for background single-point authentication through「username」.

    Click to download and unzip the custom login verification class Demo.class: Demo.rar

    Upload Demo.class to the report project %FR_HOME%\webapps\webroot\WEB-INF\classes directory, as shown below:


    2. Open H5 integrated login

    Enter the data decision system as an administrator, click 「Manage>Mobile Platform>Others」, turn on the 「H5 Integrated Login」 button, and set the 「Identification Parameter Name」 and 「Custom Login Authentication Class」. As shown below:


    The specific settings and precautions are as follows:

    Setting itemIntroduction
    Identification parameter name

    When a user accesses the 「report project/template」 on the HTML5 side, if the「identification parameter name」 is included in the access request, it will be intercepted for custom login verification

    After opening 「H5 Integration Login」, 「Identification Parameter Name」 cannot be empty, otherwise it cannot be saved

    Set to aaa in this example

    Custom login authentication class

    The options are all classes in the report project%FR_HOME%\webapps\webroot\WEB-INF\classes folder

    After opening 「H5 Integrated Login」,「Customized Login Authentication Class」 cannot be empty, otherwise it cannot be saved

    Set to Demo.class in this example

    3. Effect preview

    1) Login Verification

    When the HTML5 client accesses the report project/template, if the access request contains 「identification parameter name」, it will be free of login access if the authentication is passed, and the error report interface will be returned if the authentication fails, as shown in the following figure:


    The verification logic is shown in the following table:

    Note: This verification is only valid for the HTML5 end access decision report system/leaflet template, and the App end, WeChat integration, DingTalk integration, PC end, etc. are not affected.

    ScenesAccess linkResult
    Access without parametershttp://IP:port number/webroot/decisionJump out of the login page, enter the username and password normally to log in
    Access with parametersUsername is normalhttp://IP:port number/webroot/decision?aaa=Normal report usernameVerify the user according to the authentication type, pass the verification, and access the system/template without login
    Username disabledhttp://IP:port number/webroot/decision?aaa=Disabled report user nameVerify the user according to the authentication type, if the verification fails, jump to the error page
    Username does not existhttp://IP:port number/webroot/decision?aaa=Report user name that does not exist
    Username is emptyhttp://IP:port number/webroot/decision?aaa=

    2)  Login timeout

    If the authentication is passed according to the authentication type, after accessing the template, the login timeout will be triggered, prompting 「The current session has timed out, please log in again」. After closing, it will stay on the page without jumping to the built-in login page. As shown below:


    V. Top navigation

    When the 「HTML5 mobile display plug-in」 version is V10.4.90, the 「top navigation 」function is supported.

    Because it is uncertain whether the terminal has a physical return key under different devices and different environments, a 「top navigation」 button has been added to allow users to open the 「top back navigation」 on the HTML5 side, and can customize the navigation background, navigation title, Back button, effective terminal, etc.

    1. Open the top navigation bar button

    Enter the data decision system as an administrator, click 「Manage>Mobile Platform>Others」, open the 「Top Navigation」 button, and set items as shown in the figure below:


    The specific settings are shown in the following table:

    Setting itemIntroduction
    Navigation background

    The user can customize the background color of the top return navigation bar

    Default blue

    Title font size

    The user can set the font size of the navigation bar title

    The setting range is 12-20, the default is 17

    Note: If the title is too long to display, it will display at the end...

    Title color

    Users can customize the font color of the navigation bar title

    Default white

    Font bold

    Users can choose whether to bold the title font of the navigation bar

    Bold by default


    Users can choose the alignment of the navigation bar title text

    Can be set to left, center, and right, the default is centered

    Button color

    Users can customize the color of the return button in the navigation bar

    Default white

    Terminal settings

    Users can choose the navigation bar to validate the terminal

    Choose iOS, Android, select all by default

    2. Effect preview

    Enter http://IP:port number/webroot/decision on the HTML5 terminal to access the report system, and the effect of 「Top Return to Navigation Bar」 is shown in the figure below:

    Note: For the steps to access the report system on the HTML5 side, please refer to: HTML5 end access Report / Project


    The effective range of 「Return Button」 is shown in the following table:

    ScenesBack button
    Login pageNo superior page, no return button
    HomeNo superior page, no return button
    Home hyperlinkNo superior page, no return button
    Leaflet templateNo superior page, no return button
    First-level directoryNo superior page, no return button
    Level 2 and aboveThe return button takes effect and returns to the parent directory
    Templates in the catalogThe return button takes effect and returns to the list
    Hyperlink in templateThe return button takes effect and returns to the previous template

    VI.Use JSBridge

    When the 「HTML5 mobile display plug-in」 version is V10.4.49, it supports the 「Use JSBridge」 function.

    H5 communicates with native apps through JSBridge. If users need to communicate with native apps, they can open the Use JSBridge button and click save. As shown below:


    VII.Set the resource address

    For details on setting the resource address, please refer to: Set resource address

    VIII. Introduce JS and CSS files

    When the 「HTML5 Mobile Display Plugin」 version is V10.4.49, it supports the 「Introducing JS」 and 「Introducing CSS」 functions.

    The HTML5 end supports the introduction of external JS and CSS files. This chapter takes the introduction of external JS files as an example to illustrate the usage of this function.

    Note 1: The steps for importing CSS files and JS files are the same. For JS usage instructions, please refer to: JS Introduction Chapter 2

    Note 2: This function is only supported on the HTML5 side, not the App side.

    1. Import JS file

    1) Put test.js file in the report project directory %FR_HOME%\webapps\webroot, as shown in the figure below:


    2) Enter /test.js in the text box on the right of 「Import JS」 and click 「Save」, as shown in the figure below:


    2. Template preparation

    1) In the FineReport designer, create a New General Report.

    2) Enter test in cell A1, select 「Cell A1」, click 「Hyperlink>Add Hyperlink>JavaScript」, enter the JavaScript code, as shown below:


    The JavaScript code is as follows:


    3. Effect preview

    Save the template, click on Mobile Preview, the HTML5 preview effect is shown below:

    Note: For the method of previewing templates on HTML5 side, please refer to: HTML5 end access Report / Project


    Attachment List

    Theme: FineMobile
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