
  • 作成者:ayuan0625
  • 編集回数:13次
  • 最終更新:FRInternational 于 2021-02-03
  • I. Version

    Report Server VersionJAR package

    II. Description

    Purchase the decision-making platform, after successful registration, the registration file will control the number of users of the platform. Users can edit their own restrictions.

    Click manage > User > platform user to view. As shown in the figure below:


    III. Limited number of users

    1. Application for registration

    Contact the technical support to purchase decision-making platform, and specify the maximum number of users needed by PC and mobile terminals.

    Get the license file and register the project. After successful registration, log in to the decision-making platform as an administrator.

    Click manage > User > platform user, you can see the default display of "PC user" details under user category, and you can also view and edit "mobile user". There are no associated settings for the two types of users.


    Note: the administrator account belongs to both PC user and mobile user by default, and cannot be deleted.

    Note: each page can display 60 users at most, and the page number is only displayed when the total number of pages is less than 1.

    2. Edit user

    Click "edit user" in the upper left corner to enter the edit page. Click user to switch between selected user and unselected user, and click save. As shown in the figure below:


    User filtering: users can be selected according to the Department, and the displayed users will change according to the selection.

    • Selected users: actual number of selected users/maximum number of users. You can click clear to move all to unselected users. Super administrators and users themselves cannot be changed to unselected users.

    • Unselected user: literally, you can click Select all to move to the selected user.

    Note: if only the mobile terminal function is registered, only the super administrator belongs to the PC terminal user.

    3. The number of users reaches the upper limit

    In the process of editing users, due to the operation of other managers, the number of users reaches the upper limit and cannot continue to add. 

    Note: when the administrator clicks add user to exceed the upper limit, the remaining unselected users will be ashed

    IV. Unlimited number of users

    1. Application for registration

    Contact the technical support to purchase decision-making platform, the maximum number of users needed by PC and mobile terminals is unlimited.

    Get the license file and register the project. After successful registration, log in to the decision-making platform as an administrator.

    Click manage > User > platform user, you can see unlimited number of "PC end users" and "mobile end users" under the user category. There are no associated settings for the two types of users.


    Note: each page can display 60 users at most, and the page number is only displayed when the total number of pages is less than 1.

    Note: the optional range of "mobile end users" is all platform users, and the optional range of jar packages before May 20, 2019 is platform users.

    2. Restricted users

    1) When registering, if there is no limit to the number of users, "restricted users" will be turned off by default. Users can only be edited after it is turned on. As shown in the figure below:

    Note: if you register a limited number of users first, and then change it to an unlimited number of users, "restricted users" will be turned on by default, and the selected users will be retained.

    2) After the "restrict users" switch is turned off, clear the settings before turning it off. When it is turned on again, you need to edit it again. Only the super administrator has selected it by default. As shown in the figure below:

    3. Edit user

    The editing mode of "unlimited number of users" is the same as that of "limited number of users".

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    Theme: FineReport 管理ポータル
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