
  • 作成者:ayuan0625
  • 編集回数:9次
  • 最終更新:FRInternational 于 2021-05-13
  • I. Overview

    1. Application scenarios

    New value is usually used when the original value needs to be changed under certain conditions. For example: when the value of the cell is empty, make it display as 0.

    2. Function introduction

    1) The new value changes theactual value

    However, the conditional formatting takes effect at the end of the template loading, so if A1 is configured with a new value for the conditional formatting, the value of A1 is obtained in B1 (insert formula A1). In fact, B1 obtains the value before A1 instead of the new value . In this case, you need to use Conditional Formatting> New in cell B1 to get the value of A1.

    2) When the cell has a formula, calculate the formula first, and then determine the condition formattingnew value

    The conditional formatting of the same grid, the new value does not affect the judgment of the conditional formatting.

    For conditional formatting in the same row, the new value in the left grid will be added to the conditional formatting calculations in the right grid.

    For conditional formatting in the same column, the new value in the upper grid will be added to the calculation of the conditional formatting in the lower grid.

    Note: "Data Entry" Report does not support the simultaneous use of "Data Entry Widget" and "New Value of Conditional Formatting", which will cause the new value to be invalid.

    II. Example

    Let's take the display of 0 when the cell value is a null value as an example to introduce the usage ofConditional Formatting> New.

    1. Conditional Formatting-New setting

    1) First, open a template, select a cell with no content, click Conditional Formatting on the right, add a Conditional Formatting, and then click the Add to select new. As shown below:


    2) Fill in the new value as string 0, select Formula as the formula condition, and enter the formula: len($$$) == 0, which means the cell is empty. Then click the Add button and write the conditions in the blank space below. As shown below:


    2. Effect preview

    Save the report, click Pagination Preview, you can see that the corresponding empty cells are displayed as 0. As shown below:


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