Differences Between Direct Connection and Extraction Datasets in null and Empty

  • Last update:  2024-04-01
  • Overview


    FineBI Version
    Functional Change



    Function Description

    Direct connection and extraction datasets of FineBI differ in processing null and empty values.

    In the extraction dataset, empty and null values are processed as null values.

    In the direct connection dataset, empty and null values are processed separately. The processing logic is consistent with the database logic.


    Empty values (corresponding to 5, 15, 25, and 35 in the ID field), null values (corresponding to 3, 13, 23, and 33 in the ID field), and space values exist in the Text 1 field, as shown in the following figure.


    Direct-Connected Data

    1. Create a detail table through the direct connection dataset and add a text filter component to filter Text 1, as shown in the following figure.


    2. Press the F12 key to go to the developer mode. You can see that the first option is the null value and the second option is the empty value after you select the drop-down list, as shown in the following figure.

    Therefore, null and empty values are processed separately in the direct connection version. The numbers 2 and 3 in the following figure correspond to space values.


    3. Select null values. Data belonging to null values are successfully displayed through filtering, as shown in the following figure.


    Extracted Data

    Create the same component through the extraction dataset and press the F12 key to see the selectable values in the text drop-down box, as shown in the following figure.

    You can see that only null and space values exist, because empty values are processed as null values.


    Select null values. The following figure shows the result. You can see that both null and empty values in the original data table are displayed through filtering.



    主题: Data Center
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    *Problem Type
    Cannot be empty
    Problem Description
    Cannot be empty

    Submitted successfully

    Network busy