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New Function
Added Display strategy under Display Axis Label, including Default, Thumbnail display and Interval display.
In most cases, category axis is horizontal axis. When you need to configure the title and labels of the horizontal axis, you can view this article for customization.
When setting category axis, you can customize axis labels and axis title.
1. You can set category axis for dimension fields dragged from the pending analysis area, and for fields converted from indicators. In Horizontal Axis, click > Set Category Axis.
2. Set the axis labels and the axis title in the category axis editing interface.
1. Untick Display Axis Label, then the category axis labels of the chart are hidden.
2. The axis labels disappear.
There are three types of display strategies: Default, Thumbnail display, and Interval display.
1. Default
If the axis labels cannot be fully displayed, according to different situations, the system will automatically adjust the display style, such as rotating the axis labels counterclockwise by 45 degrees, thumbnail display, interval display, or displaying with a scrollbar.
2. Thumbnail Display
a. Functions
If the long axis labels overlap each other and displays unclearly, you can choose Thumbnail Display, or customize text direction.
Note: This display strategy is suitable for users who can accept incomplete axis labels display, because the axis labels will be displayed in thumbnail.
b. Procedure
1. Rotate the text counterclockwise by 30 degrees.
2. The effect is as follows:
3. Interval Display
Thumbnail display results in incomplete information display. The rotated axis labels are not visually appealing. If you want the axis labels to completely display key content only, Interval display is a perfect choice. Select Interval display, and you can set Number of intervals.
1. Select Interval display.
Font Style of category axis labels is Auto by default, but you can customize it as well. Click Custom to set the font, font size, alignment, and other properties of the labels.
1. If the dimension field is on the Horizontal Axis, you can set the font, font size, Bold, Italic and Text Color.
2. If the dimension field is on the Vertical Axis, you can set the alignment as well.
1. Untick Display Axis Title.
2. Click OK to hide the chart axis title Contract date.
Enter the title in Title Name.
Font Style of axis title is Auto by default. For details about the settings, see section "Font Style of Axis Label".
If you have created a drill directory for dimension fields, you can set the category axis for each dimension field the same drill directory. Click to switch dimensions in the drill field, and then click > Set Category Axis.
When the interval between fields in the category axis is small, Interval display will be triggered.
For example, if the category axis is horizontal with many labels, and you have selected Overall adaptation or Width adaptation under Adaptive Display, the axis labels may not be fully displayed. Instead, they will be displayed every three months.
If the axis labels are not aligned, as shown in the figure below:
Set the Font Style of the category axis for the dimension fields Registration time and Contract type to left alignment respectively.
You can simply drag two time fields into Horizontal Axis.
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