Extended Chart - Carousel Pie Chart

  • Last update:  2021-09-23
  • I. Overview

    1. Version

    DesignerExtended Chart Plugin

    2. Application scenarios

    A new subtype is added to the Pie Chart in version 4.5 of the Extended Chart plugin: Carousel Pie Chart.

    This chart is suitable for big screen scenarios. Based on the original pie chart display form, the corresponding prompt information of each sector is rotated according to the order of sectors, and the effect is as shown in the figure below:


    3. Function introduction

    • Both cell data and dataset data are supported.

    • Supports periodic refresh and rotation linkage, which can be linked to cells or suspended elements.

    • Supports chart linkage and component refresh. For details, see Chart Manual Refresh.

    4. Install the plugin

    Click to download the plugin: Extended Chart

    Designer plugin installation method reference: Plugin Management

    Server installation plugin method reference: Server plugin management

    5. Chart entry

    Expanded Chart - Pie Chart type is added to this category, which contains Carousel Pie Chart and can be inserted into a report.


    II. Chart attributes

    1. Graghics

    You can adjust the proportion of the Radius and Inner Radius of a pie chart.

    • Radius default Auto, and can self-adaptive display; when the radius is customized, the unit is px, and it is displayed as a fixed pixel, not self-adaptive.

    • Inner Radius refers to the ratio of the inner radius to the outside radius and ranges from 1 to 100%. The base pie chart with the inner radius of 0 is not supported.


    2. Tooltip

    Tooltip follows graphics dynamic rotation, but only support built-in fields, can not be customized.


    The position of the tooltip can be displayed inside or outside the pie chart, and the respective effects are as follows:

    • Inside the pie chart


    • Outside the pie chart


    III. Example

    1. Data preparation

    Create a general report and a built-in dataset. The data is as follows:


    2. Insert the chart

    Merge a region cell and insert an carousel pie chart, as shown below:


    3. Bind the data

    Bind the fields in the dataset, as shown below:


    4. Design the style

    1) Add a title to the chart, as shown below:


    2) Adjust the Inner Radius of the pie chart to 70%, as shown below:


    3) Only check the Percentage and Series Name, and select the Location in the pie chart, as shown below:


    5. Preview effect

    Save the report, and click "Pagination Preview", the effect is shown as follows:


    Note: The mobile terminal is not suppoerted.

    IV. Download template

    Please refer to the completed template: %FR_HOME%\webapps\webroot\WEB-INF\reportlets\doc-EN\Primary\Chart\Carousel_Pie_Chart.cpt

    Click to download: Carousel_Pie_Chart.cpt

    Attachment List

    Theme: Chart
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