Chart Manual Refresh

  • Last update:December 21, 2020
  • I. Overview

    1) When we need to refresh the chart manually, including the whole chart component, we can add widgets and click js events, and use the refresh interface to refresh the chart component.

    2) Different refresh interfaces are used in ordinary charts and extended charts, which will be introduced separately in this document.

    3) The ordinary chart refresh interface supports the mobile terminal, but does not support the charts in dashboard block on the mobile terminal. The extended chart refresh interface does not support the mobile terminal.

    4) Suggested reading: Secondary development using JavaScript

    You will learn
    • Example of simulating change of data

    • Chart refresh

      • Chart design

      • Refresh button design

      • Preview

    • Extended chart refresh

      • Chart design

      • Refresh button design

      • Preview

    II. Example of simulating change of data

    In this example, we use the random function RAND to simulate the change of chart data in data query.

    Create a new dataset query ds1, use the FRDemo dataset, and enter the following SQL:

    SELECT * FROM Sales limit ${int (1+RAND()*4)}
    /* Here limit the number of records displayed to simulate change of data.*/


    III. Chart refresh

    3.1 Chart design

    Take the Floating Chart-Column Chart as an example.

    1) Click [Insert] → [Floating Element] → [Insert Chart], and select Ordinary Column Chart.

    2) Adjust the position of the floating chart, right-click the floating chart, click [Set Floating Element_name], and you can see that the name of the current floating element is “Float22”


    3) Double-click the floating chart and click [Data] to perform data binding and make the following settings:

    • Dataset: ds1

    • Category: Region

    • For Series Name, select the Field Name

    • Series name: add two fields, namely Sales Volume and Selling Cost. The summary method is [None]


    3.2 Refresh button design

    1) Merge A1-G2 cells and add button widgets


    2) Select the button type as [Custom] and the button name as Refresh


    3) Select [Color] for the initial background and set it to light blue; Set the mouse hover background and click background to dark blue.


    4) Enter the [Event] editing interface, add a click event, and enter the following js to refresh the chart after clicking the button:

    var chartWrapper1 = FR.Chart.WebUtils.getChart(“Float22”);


    The quotes in “FR.Chart.WebUtils.getChart (“”)” need to be filled with the name of the chart object. The name of the floating element in this example is Float22.

    3.3 Preview

    Save the chart and preview it in data entry or data analysis mode (the data entry widgets cannot be displayed in the pagination preview). You can see that the chart component will be refreshed after clicking the button.


    IV. Extended chart refresh

    4.1 Chart design

    Take Floating Chart-Extended Chart[Arc Column Chart]as an example.

    1) Click [Insert] → [Floating Element] → [Insert Chart], and select Extended Chart-Column Chart [Arc Column Chart]


    2) Adjust the position of the floating chart, right-click the floating chart, click [Set Floating Element_name], and you can see that the name of the current floating element is “Float31”


    3) Double-click the floating chart and click [Data] to perform data binding and make the following settings:

    • Dataset: ds1

    • Category: Region

    • Value: Sales Volume


    4.2 Refresh button design

    1) Please refer to 2. Refresh button design of III. Chart refresh - 2. Refresh button design

    2) The extended chart does not support dataRefresh(), but the interface dealReloadChartAjax() can be used to refresh a single component. Enter the [Event] editing interface, add a click event, and enter the following js to refresh the chart after clicking the button:

    var chartWrapper1 = FR.Chart.WebUtils.getChart(“Float31”);


    The quotes in “FR.Chart.WebUtils.getChart (“”)” need to be filled with the name of the chart object. In this example, the name of the floating element is Float31.

    4.3 Preview

    Save the chart and preview it in data entry or data analysis mode (the data entry widgets cannot be displayed in the pagination preview). You can see that the chart component will be refreshed after clicking the button.


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