Check Missing Font

  • Last update:  2022-01-14
  • I. Overview

    1. Version

    Report Server Version
    Feature Changes
    10.0.16 and later versionsAdded "Check Missing Font" function

    2. Font usage logic

    When previewing, exporting, and printing a report, the font effect of the final report is closely related to the local system where the designer, server, and browser are located.

    When previewing, exporting, and printing reports, fonts mainly come from the following three font libraries:

    • System font: The system font of the device where the designer, server, and browser are located. Windows system location: C:/Windows/Fonts; Linux system location: /usr/share/fonts

    • Server-dependent fonts under JRE: %Tomcat%jre/lib/fonts

    • The corresponding font file after installing the "performance optimization plugin": %FR_HOME%/webroot/WEB-INF/fonts

    Different scenarios use different font libraries. As shown in the table below:

    Usage Way
    Font Source
    The font selected by the designer when designingThe system font of the computer where the designer is located + the font under the JRE that the designer project depends on + the font of the performance optimization plugin (if the plugin is installed)
    Font used when previewing on the webThe system font of the computer where the web browser is located
    Font used when exportingServer's system font + server-dependent JRE font + performance optimization plugin font (if the plugin is installed)
    Fonts used for printingZero client printing is the same as exporting, local system fonts and fonts under JRE of printing software are used for local software printing

    3. Check missing font

    When users preview, export, and print reports, if the font effect is inconsistent with the design effect, they can check according to the content in Section I.2., locate the missing position, and install the font.

    10.0.16 and later versions support the detection of fonts used when creating templates or exporting and printing templates. If the server lacks fonts, the designer or user will be prompted to complete the installation of the corresponding fonts.

    Designer missing font installation can refer to: Import Fonts into designer

    Server missing font installation can refer to: Install fonts on the server

    The missing fonts on the computer where the web browser is located can be installed in "Computer Local System > Font Settings".

    II. Check missing font

    The designer will detect template fonts when designing templates and exporting and printing reports, including fonts used in cells, fonts used in rich text, fonts used in headers and footers, and fonts used in charts. If the server lacks these fonts, the user will be prompted to install it.

    • When designing a template, it can be detected by clicking the Check Missing Font button.

    • When exporting and printing reports, it will actively detect and prompt users.

    Note 1: To use this feature, it is recommended that users upgrade both the designer and server versions to 10.0.16. If the designer version does not match, there is no check button on the designer side, but a check prompt will be displayed when exporting or printing; if the server version does not match, the user will be prompted to upgrade the version.

    Note 2: The check under the cluster only checks the font situation of a single node. If it is checked that there is no font, the user needs to install the missing font on all nodes.

    Note 3: Floating elements do not perform missing font detection.

    1. Check when making templates

    In versions 10.0.16 and later, the Check Missing Font button has been added to the editor interface of the designer. Click to check fonts. As shown below:


    After the user has made the template, click the Check Missing Font button to check the template font.

    After the check, if it is checked that the fonts used in the template are included in the server, a pop-up window will prompt: Check successfully, the sever supports all fonts in this template.


    If the template uses fonts that are not included in the server, a pop-up window will prompt: A font is not supported by the server is checked, and the export and print effects are different from the preview. It is recommended to change the font or Server install gonts. As shown below:


    Click Look Details to view the missing fonts, as shown in the figure below, showing the missing Vivaldi.

    If missing fonts are checked, the user can replace the missing fonts with other fonts, or click the Server Install Fonts hyperlink and refer to the help documentation to install the missing fonts.


    2. Prompt when exporting and printing

    The lack of fonts on the server will make the preview effect different from the effect of exporting and printing. Versions 10.0.16 and later will perform font check in the toolbar when exporting or printing, reminding users that there are missing fonts. As shown below:


    If there are missing fonts, a pop-up window will prompt: There are fonts that are not supported by the server, and the export effect will be different from the preview. Do you want to continue exporting/printing?

    Click Look Details to view the missing fonts. As shown below:


    If the user can modify the template, the modified template will replace the missing font with another font; if the user cannot modify the template, contact the super administrator to modify the template or install the missing font.

    If it is not modified or installed, after exporting or printing, the missing fonts will be displayed as the system default fonts.

    3. Turn off the reminder function

    The function of font check when exporting or printing is enabled by default, and can be disabled if the user does not want to use it. As shown below:

    The super administrator logs in to the decision-making platform, and at Manage > System > General > Check Font, close the Check Missing Font button.


    After closing, the font check and prompt will no longer be performed when printing and exporting.

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