Import Fonts into designer

  • Last update:  2021-12-29
  • I. Overview

    1. Problem Description

    For some projects, the file format is very important, and it is very strict for the font style, but sometimes the font needs to be displayed does not have the font option in the designer. How to import extra fonts into designer?

    2. Realization idea

    Currently, the fonts that can be selected in the designer are in the font library installed in the system. Then, if you want to add fonts to the designer, you only need to install the new fonts on the system.

    If you encounter a situation where the font cannot be read, you can copy the font to jre\lib\fonts of the designer and restart the designer.

    II. Example

    For example, there is no Arial Rounded MT Bold font in Win10, we need to use this font in the designer.

    1. Install fonts to system

    Download the font from the Internet and import it into the C:\Windows\Fonts, as shown in the figure below:


    2. Designer

    Restart the designer, select the cell, click Cell Attributes > Style > Text, and you can see the new font you installed, as shown below:


    IV. Precautions

    Pay attention to the following points when importing new fonts:

    1) When designing the report in the designer, if you want to use fonts that are not available in the system, you need to import the system fonts on the machine where the designer is located, so you can ensure that the designer can select the fonts.

    2) If the client accesses the report, the font effect needs to be displayed when previewing, and the client system also needs to install the font.

    3) On the server, if the client needs to print and export images, etc., then the server system also needs to install the font.

    4) If you encounter a situation where the font cannot be read, you can copy the font to jre\lib\fonts of the designer and restart the designer.

    5) If the system environment of the designer and the server are different, the font is replaced or displayed incompletely when previewing the template. The reason is that the font used by the template is not installed on the server system, and the font needs to be installed on the server system.

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