Table Property

  • Last update:  2024-05-14
  • Overview


    FineBI Version

    Functional Change



    Application Scenario

    1. Table Property allows you to use colors or shapes to highlight certain important or abnormal data, making them stand out.

    2. For example, in the table below, the above-average data in the Contract Amount field are attached to red smiley face markers.


    3. The following table shows details of more scenarios for marking in a table.

    Marking and sorting the top three data in a table

    Marking the inconsistent data in a table

    Marking data of the entire rows in a table

    Marking the above-average data in a table

    Flagging the maximum/minimum value in a table

    Function Description

    1. Table Property contains two types of setting bars.

    Color: You can set the background color and text color of data.

    Shape: You can attach shape markers to data.

    2. Properties of Dimension and Indicator are set separately.

    Dimension: You can set only properties of corresponding fields.

    Indicator: You can add conditions to any indicators and set properties of target fields.

    Component Creation

    1. Download the sample data: Contract Information.xlsx

    2. Drag the Contract Type field in the to-be-analyzed area into Dimension. Drag the Purchase Quantity and Contract Amount fields in the area into Indicator.

    If the indicator fields have empty values, the property setting will not take effect on the cells where those values are present. If you set the property in All, the setting will take effect on all indicators.


    Color Setting for Indicator Field Data

    The indicator field data can be set with two color effects:

    Not dragging an indicator into Color: Set the color for the entire column of data.

    Dragging an indicator into Color: Set the color for the data that meets the conditions.

    V10.4.90 and later of the App/HTML5 support the display of cell background colors.

    Setting Colors for the Entire Column of Data


    The entire column of data in the Purchase Quantity field needs to be colored with a red background and white text.


    1. Click Color under Table Property > Indicator > Purchase Quantity.

    2. Select the white color in Text Color and the red color in Background Color to set the entire column of data to a red background with white text, as shown in the following figure.


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    Setting Colors for the Data that Meets the Condition

    You can set colors for the data that meets the condition.

    1. Adding a Condition to the Current Indicator Field


    Data below 100 in the Purchase Quantity field needs to be colored with a red background and white text.


    1. Drag the Purchase Quantity field in the left to-be-analyzed area into Color under Table Property > Indicator > Purchase Quantity.

    2. Click Color and click the Add Condition button in the pop-up settings box.

    3. Set data below 100 in the Purchase Quantity field to be colored with a red background and white text, as shown in the following figure.


    Effect Preview


    2. Adding a Condition to Another Indicator Field


    Data in the Purchase Quantity field where the contract amount is less than 15,000,000 need to be colored with a red background and white text.


    1. Drag the Contract Amount field in the left to-be-analyzed area into Color under Table Property > Indicator > Purchase Quantity.

    2. Click Color and click the Add Condition button in the pop-up settings box.

    3. Set data in the Purchase Quantity field where the contract amount is less than 15,000,000 to be colored with a red background and white text, as shown in the following figure.


    Effect Preview


    Marker Shape Setting for Indicator Field Data

    The markers can be attached to the indicator field data with two effects:

    Not dragging an indicator into Shape: Attach markers to the entire row of data.

    Dragging an indicator into Shape: Attach markers to data that meet the conditions.

    Setting a Marker Shape for the Entire Column of Data


    The entire column of data in the Contract Amount field need to be attached with a yellow circular marker.


    1. Click Shape under Table Property > IndicatorContract Amount.

    2. Select the 863b2820e343ca8efaa415852c310bc.png icon from the drop-down list of Shape and set the Shape Color to yellow. The entire row of data is attached with a yellow circular marker, as shown in the following figure.


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    Setting Marker Shapes for Data that Meet the Conditions

    The markers attached to the data that meet the conditions need to be set with shapes.

    1. Setting Marker Shapes for the Current Indicator Field


    Data below 20,000,000 in the Contract Amount field needs to be attached with a red downward arrow, and the other with a green upward arrow.


    1. Drag the Contract Amount field in the left to-be-analyzed area into Shape under Table Property > Indicator > Contract Amount.

    2. Click Shape and click the Add Condition button in the pop-up settings box.

    3. Set data below 20,000,000 in the Contract Amount field to be attached with a red downward arrow, and the other with a green upward arrow, as shown in the following figure.


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    2. Setting Marker Shapes for Another Indicator Field


    Data in the Purchase Quantity field where the contract amount is more than 500 need to be attached with a red crown marker.


    1. Drag the Purchase Quantity field in the left to-be-analyzed area into Shape under Table Property > Indicator > Contract Amount.

    2. Click Shape and click the Add Condition button in the pop-up settings box.

    3. Set data in the Purchase Quantity field where the contract amount is more than 500 to be attached with a red crown marker, as shown in the following figure.


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    Color and Marker Shape Setting for All Indicator Field Data

    V10.4.90 and later of the App/HTML5 support the display of cell background colors.


    All the indicator field data need to be colored with a green background and black text.


    1. Click Color under Table Property > Indicator > All.

    2. Select the black color in Text Color and the green color in Background Color to set all the indicator field data to be colored with a green background and black text, as shown in the following figure.


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    The procedure of setting the marker shape for the indicator field data is the same as above.

    Color Setting for Dimension Field Data

    V10.4.90 and later of the App/HTML5 support the display of cell background colors.

    Setting Colors for the Entire Column of Data


    The entire column of data in the Contract Type field needs to be colored with a purple background and white text.


    1. Click Color under Table Property > Dimension.

    2. Without adding any conditions, select the white color in Text Color and the purple color in Background Color to set the entire column of data to a purple background with white text, as shown in the following figure.

    The dimension field in Table Property is synchronized with that in the to-be-analyzed area. You are not allowed to drag any fields into Color or Shape under Table Property > Dimension, and also not allowed to modify any fields under Table Property > Dimension > Color/Shape.


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    Setting Colors for the Data that Meets the Condition


    Data defined as No in the Delivery or Not field need to be colored with red.


    1. Drag the Delivery or Not field in the left to-be-analyzed area into Dimension.

    2. Click Color under Table Property > Dimension > Delivery or Not.

    3. Click the Add Condition button in the pop-up settings box and set the color of data defined as No in the Delivery or Not field to red, as shown in the following figure.


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    Marker Shape Setting for Dimension Field Data


    Data defined as No in the Delivery or Not field need to be attached with a red flag marker.


    1. Click Shape under Table Property > Dimension > Delivery or Not.

    2. Click the Add Condition button in the pop-up settings box and set data defined as No in the Delivery or Not field to be attached with a red flag marker, as shown in the following figure.


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    Field Setting of the Added Indicator Field in Table Property

    1. The field setting of the added indicator fields in Table Property is consistent with that of the indicator fields in the to-be-analyzed area. Summary Mode, Quick Calculation, Filter, and other functions are supported.

    2. You can hover over the added Purchase Quantity field and click the 4efe6ece518183e97ad5a12cc46666b.png icon to select functions from the drop-down list, as shown in the following figure.

    The field setting of an added indicator field only takes effect on the current indicator field in Table Property, not the charts.


    Field Setting of the Dimension Field in the Drill Directory

    The data drilling function allows you to set each dimension field in the drill directory separately.


    For example, the Nation, Province, and City fields in the drill directory need to be set with different marker shapes. Nation needs to be attached with a red circular marker, Province a yellow triangle marker, and City a green smile face marker.


    1. Download the sample data: Regional Data Analysis.xlsx

    2. Create a group table component and create a drill directory of Nation > Province > City. For details, see Common Drilling.

    3. Drag the drill directory in the left to-be-analyzed area into Dimension and drag the Contract Amount field into Indicator.


    4. Click Shape under Table Property > Dimension > Nation, click the Add Condition button in the pop-up settings box, and set Nation to be attached with a red circular marker, as shown in the following figure.


    The marker shape setting of Province and City are the same as that of Nation.

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    主题: Creating a Visual Component
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