Common FineBI Startup FAQs

  • Last update:March 28, 2023
  • Overview


    FineBI   Server


    Problem Description

    This article briefly introduces the reasons for project launch failure and provides corresponding solutions.

    Insufficient Disk Space

    Insufficient Disk Space in Windows/Linux

    Problem description:

    If FineBI fails to start, open fanruan.log in %FineBI%/logs, and you'll see the error message:

    • No space on device.

    • Insufficient disk space.

    Cause analysis:

    Insufficient disk space available in the target installation directory.


    1. Contact the operations and maintenance personnel to expand server's disk space.

    2. Clean up disk.

    Use the command df -h to check the disk usage of each partition.

    Use the command du -sh * to view the size of each folder in the current directory.

    And then delete unnecessary files.

    Inaccessibility Caused by Insufficient Memory on MacBook

    Problem description:

    The process goes on when FineBI starts, but you cannot access the project. The prompt message is Host not found.

    Cause analysis:

    On a personal MacBook, the default memory allocation for FineBI is 1.2 GB. The problem occurs when the total memory is too small, or other space-taking softwares leave too little available space.


    1. It's suggested to deploy on a server with an upgraded hardware configuration.

    2. If you still need to open the project on this device, it is recommended to close unnecessary processes to ensure sufficient memory left for FineBI startup.

    Lack of Permission

    Not Running BI as an Admin

    It is recommended to run FineBI as an admin in the Windows system.


    Lack of File Permission

    Problem description:

    FineBI fails to start. And when opening fanruan.log in %FineBI%/logs, you'll see the error message:

    l  permission denied

    l  Database is not initialized

    Cause analysis:

    Insufficient user permissions to start the project.


    Check the user's read-write permissions and use the command 'chmod -R 777' to assign permissions to the corresponding folder.

    Failure to Create Temporary Directories

    Problem description:

    FineBI fails to start. Open fanruan.log in %FineBI%/logs, and you see the error message:

    Failed to create a local dir in /home/ap/bin/ROOT/temp/spark.

    Cause analysis:

    Lack of user permissions to start the project leads to failure in creating the Spark temporary directory.


    Check the user’s read-write permissions. Use command chmod -R 777 to assign permissions to corresponding paths in the temporary directory.

    Installation Package Problems

    Internal File Errors

    Problem description:

    FineBI fails to start, and the error message is An internal error occurred (error code: 34).


    Cause analysis:

    The installation package downloaded is incomplete.


    Reinstall the installation package.

    Crash Caused by Decompression failure

    Problem description:

    In the Windows system, after deploying the installation package, the package crashes, and the log stops at start unzip file: D:\app\FineBI5.1\...\assist\update\

    Cause analysis:

    The process stops when you unzip plugin files, and the prompt message is start unzip.


    Decompress the plugin's compressed file and put it in the plugins folder to restart the process.

    Abnormal Process

    When the project startup is abnormal or fails, you need to check the following issues in sequence.

    Repeated Startup of Threads

    1.  Enter the command ps -ef | grep java to see how many threads are started in the current path.


    2.     If there are more than one ongoing thread, enter kill -9 {process number} to stop all of them.

    Occupied Ports

    Problem description:

    FineBI crashes after deployment or you fail to access the front end, and then you see the error message Address already in use in the log.

    Cause analysis:

    A port can only be occupied by one process at a time, The port required for FineBI startup is currently occupied by other processes.


    1. Use the command lsof -i:{port number} to check if the current port is occupied. The port is not occupied if it is shown like this:

    Note: If it reports error -bash : lsof-i:xx: command not found, you need to enter the command yum install lsof to use the command lsof.

    This image means that the java application with the process ID 8152 is occupying port 80.

    2. Port number can only be occupied by one process. If the current port number has been occupied, it is necessary to change the port number of the BI server to an available one.

    For more details, see Tomcat Port Configuration and How to Modify the FineBI Port Number.

    Multiple Projects/No Project in the webapps Directory

    Enter the BI installation directory and check if there are multiple webroot files or no files in %FineBI%\webapps.

    If there is no file, the installed webroot file needs to be put in the webapps folder.

    Note: Backup files should be compressed, or you can copy the backup files to a non-project-located directory to ensure that there is only one project named webroot in the web container.


    Error Reported by the db.lck File

    If you have opened the FineDB database by other tools in the Windows system without closing it, check if there are any other softwares connected to FineDB's built-in database. If so, close the project and restart BI.

    Hostname Problem


    Problem description:

    FineBI startup fails, and the reported error is 61300110 Spider abnormal initialization of the calculation engine.

    In %FineBI%/logs, the error message is UnknownHostException.


    Log in to the installation server and check the hosts file (Linux users can find it in /etc/hosts and Windows users can find it in C drive), then add server's IP address and its hostname to the folder.

    Failure to Get Hostname

    Problem description:

    FineBI access fails, and the front-end prompt message is Failed to get the hostname. Please check whether the server hostName is normal or reconfigure the hostName.


    Cause analysis:

    In the server hosts file, the mapping relationship has not been configured correctly.


    1.     According to the value returned by the hostname command, configure {hostname} to the file in /etc/hosts file.

    2.     Based on the value returned by the hostname command, configure the /etc/hosts file to map the specific hostname to the IP address

    Other Problems

    No Interface of Admin Username and Password after FineBI Installation

    You need to check if FineBI has been installed before, because the new version occupies the same path for installation.

    If it has been installed before, you should completely uninstall the previous verison before you install the new version.

    Tools.jar Exception

    Problem description:

    In the Mac environment, when deploying FineBI to tomcat, you see an error message tools.jar Exception after the project starts.

    Cause analysis:

    When you deploy tomcat, tools.jar must be consistent with jdk configured in the environment variable.


    1.     Set the correct JAVA environment path.

    2.     Change tools.jar.


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    Cannot be empty
    Problem Description
    Cannot be empty

    Submitted successfully

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