Starting FineBI in Linux

  • Last update:March 28, 2023
  • Overview

    In the Linux server, You need to manage installed FineBI through operations like startup, setting automatic startup and shutdown.

    Starting FineBI

    Going to the Directory

    For example, if FineBI is installed in the opt directory, you need to go to the %FineBI%bin directory.

    cd /opt/FineBI/bin

    Starting the Project

    Execute the following command directly to start FineBI.

    nohup ./finebi &

    The result is shown like this:


    • &: This command allows the process to run in the background.

    • nohup: This command can allow the corresponding process continue to run after you log out/close the terminal.

    Combine these two, and the final command will be executed permanently in the background.

    Successful Startup

    If you see the image shown below after executing the command, the startup is successful.


    To modify the memory, simply edit the finebi.vmoptions file. For details, see Modifying FineBI Configuration Parameters.

    Note: The startup and memory setting files are all in the first-level installation directory.

    Setting Automatic Startup of FineBI

    In the Linux server, you are recommended to set frequently-used applications to start automatically when the server is turned on. In that case, after restarting the server, you don't need to perform complicated startup operations, and fewer application startups would be missed.

    The principle of Linux server's automatic startup is based on the fact that everything in the Linux server is file, so the system will read files to start applications. Therefore, you only need to write the startup command of the application in the configuration file read by the server when it starts. The configuration file is rc.local file.

    Modifying the Configuration File

    1. To edit the rc.local file, go to its path under /etc. Then you can directly execute the editing command.

    vi /etc/rc.local

    2. In the editing interface, press the i key to enter the insert state. In the last line of the file, enter the FineBI startup command. Since the file is not in the directory path of FineBI, the absolute path of the file should be added to the startup command and modified to the FineBI installation path. The startup command is:

    nohup /opt/FineBI/bin/finebi &


    3. After editing, press the Esc key to exit the insert interface, enter :wq , save the file and exit.

    Note: If the configuration fails to take effect, you can execute the command chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.local to make it work. Because the rc.local file has gradually been inaccessible in Linux operating systems like CentOS7.

    Restarting the Server

    Execute the reboot command to restart the Linux system. After logging in again, use the following command to view the process:

    ps -ef | grep finebi

    If you can see the FineBI process, it means that after the Linux system restarts, FineBI has automatically started.


    Note: If the configuration file fails to take effect after you follow the steps introduced above, and the software cannot start automatically, you can execute the command chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.local to grant execution permissions to the configuration file. This is because /etc/rc.d/rc.local is not granted the execution permission in Linux operating systems like CentOS7.

    Closing FineBI

    To shut down the BI project in Linux system, you need to kill the process since FineBI doesn't have the equivalent backend interface available in the Windows system.

    1. Use the following command to view the PID of the FineBI process.

    ps -ef | grep finebi

    2. Kill the PID process. For example, if the PID of FineBI is 4626, execute the following command:

    kill -9 4626

    Note: You can use the following command to complete the above two steps: 

    ps -ef | grep finebi | grep -v 'grep' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -I {} kill -9 {}


    Starting FineBI as a non-root user may cause problems in logs and Spark temporary tmp paths due to permission issues.


    主题: Deployment and Integration
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