Configuring JVM Parameters in Tomcat

  • Last update:  2023-04-03
  • Description

    After installation, FineBI may run unstably in Tomcat with default configurations. Therefore, you need to optimize the configuration. This article will introduce how to configure JVM parameters in Tomcat.

    Configuring JVM Parameters

    Open the JVM configuration file under %tomcat%/bin/ in Tomcat, and add parameters directly to the file.


    The JVM configuration file is named catalina.bat in Windows.

    If you want to configure the JVM memory, you can add the following parameters before the parameter cygwin=false in this file:

    JAVA_OPTS='-Xms512m -Xmx1024m'

    Xms is the initial memory, and Xmx is the max memory limit. m is added here because the unit is MB. If the unit is KB, modify it to KB. You can configure the JVM memory according to the size of your server.

    UseGCOverheadLimit Parameter


    You encounter the error message gc overhead limit exceeded when using FineBI.

    Cause and solution:

    You can add the following parameter of -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit to Tomcat's JVM configuration.

    JAVA_OPTS='-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit'

    This is because your system lacks memory space, so the GC cycle time is extended. After you add parameters, the GC time detection feature is disabled. In this case, when the memory is insufficient, JVM will not give the message GC overhead limit exceeded, but give the message Java heap space and generate a dump file for better cause analysis.


    主题: Felicity 待翻译
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