Platform Font Configuration

  • Last update:October 23, 2024
  • Overview


    FineBI Server VersionPlugin VersionFunctional Change




    Function Description

    To achieve user-defined font configuration, custom fonts are supported through the Platform Font Configuration plugin in FineBI. Specifically, fonts commonly used in Japan and Korea are supported, and the font in platform and the font of FineBI templates can be configured or changed in the platform.


    Plugin Installation

    You can obtain the plugin at

    For details about installing plugins in the FineBI system, see Plugin Management.

    Plugin Function

    Supporting Global Configuration of Font of FineBI Templates

    Choose System Management > System Setting > General, and globally configure the font in Platform Font Config.



    1. Font Family in Platform and Font Family of Template are preset to 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, 'PingFang SC', 'Hiragino Sans GB', 'Microsoft YaHei', Heiti, and sans-serif.

    2. If the setting is empty, the preset font is used just like without the plugin.

    Supporting Fonts Commonly Used in Japan and Korea as Platform Font

    You can select fonts commonly used in Japan and Korea in the built-in custom fonts through the plugin. 


    Supporting Added Custom Fonts

    In addition to the preset fonts, other fonts can be added through the plugin. You can manually input the name of other fonts in Font Family in Platform or Font Family of Template.

    The added fonts need to be installed in the FineBI server and the user's computer.

    Application Scope

    1. When the template font is configured, all components within the templates use the configured font. You cannot set a different font for a specific component.
    2. The entire dashboard editing page uses the template font. Components and upper and right toolbars all use the configured template font.
    3. Some custom fonts (prohibited in Safari browser) may not display even if they are configured in the template font.
    4. If the template is exported in Excel format, the configured font does not display. If the component is displayed as an image in the exported Excel file, however, the font of the component displays.
    5. If the template is exported in PDF format or image formats, the configured font displays.



    主题: Deployment and Integration
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