Task Schedule Client Notification–APP Notification

  • Last update:July 10, 2023
  • Overview


    FineBI Version
    App Version


    V 11.0

    Application Scenarios

    You may want to push the results of scheduled tasks to app under the following circumstances:

    1. In the sales industry, distributors need to purchase from or pay the manufacturer, while the manufacturer sends information regularly to distributors to inform them of the remaining status of goods, remittance and so on.

    2. After a company pays salaries, notifications will be sent to its employees.


    Tick Client Notification under File Process when setting up scheduled tasks to push the results of scheduled tasks to the FineMobile DataAnalyst app. After setting up, you can log in and view relevant messages.

    Chaper "Example" of this article demonstrates how to configure Client Notification in Task Schedule.

    Chapter "Functions" provides detailed explanations of Client Notification in Task Schedule.


    This article only provides detailed information on the functions and notes of Client Notification–APP Notification for pushing BI templates.

    For details about pushing FineReport templates, see Task Schedule Client Notification–APP Notification.


    Push the latest sales conditions to the sales director of the sales department at 18:00 per day on the app by setting up scheduled tasks.

    Sample dashboard: Sales Director Real-time Dashboard under Business Theme > Sales Management.

    The data called by this dashboard is from the data table in Public Data > Department Data > Sales folder.

    Copying the Template Link

    Before setting up scheduled tasks, you need to obtain the link of the dashboard used in task schedule to push the dashboard to the app.

    Select Sales Director Real-time Dashboard under Business Theme > Sales Management, and the ID after report in the URL is the dashboard ID.

    For example: http://IP:port/webroot/decision/v5/design/report/dashboardID/view


    1. The IP in the link cannot be localhost, so you need to replace it with the actual IP address of the computer.

    2. Accessing the URL on the app is required. If the internal and external networks are not interconnected, you cannot have access to the URL.

    Assigning the Component Data Permission

    If you need to view the BI templates used in scheduled tasks, the component data permission for dashboards to call data tables is required.

    Log into FineBI as an admin, and go to System Management > Permission Management > General Permission Configuration.

    Select All Departments > Sales Department > Sales Director, click Data Authorization, and assign Component Data permission for the Sales folder under Public Data > Department Data.

    Assigning the Template Authentication Permission

    Enabling the Role Permission Authentication in Template Authentication is the prerequisite. If you do not enabled the function, you can skip this operation.

    After enabling the function, you need to assign corresponding users with the viewing permission of target BI templates. Otherwise, users will not be able to view the dashboard.

    Choose System Management > Template Authentication > General Permission Configuration > Permission Quick Configuration, select All Departments > Sales Department > Sales Director, and assign the viewing permission for the Sales Director Real-time Dashboard.

    Adding a Scheduled Task

    Log into FineBI as an admin, go to System Management > Task Schedule > Task Management, and click Add Tasks.

    Basic Setting

    1. Set Task Name to Sales_Director_Real-time_Dashboard.

    2. Click Edit of Default User Group.

    3. Tick Sales Director in the Sales Department, and click OK.

    4. Click Next.

    Dispatcher Object

    1. Set Object Type to BI Template, choose Sales Director Real-time Dashboard under Business Theme > Sales Management.

    2. Set File Name to ${now()}sales condition.

    4. Click Next.

    Scheduling Cycle

    1. Tick Detailed Frequency Settings in Frequency, and click Add.

    2. Set Time to 18 Hour 0 Minute, Execution Date to Daily, and Month to Select All, and click OK.

    3. Click Next.

    File Process

    1. Tick Client Notification.

    2. Detailed Settings:

    · Push Terminal: Tick APP Notification.

    · Recipient: Default User Group.

    · Subject: ${today()} sales condition

    · Content: Please check the latest sales conditions.

    · Link: Tick Custom Link and fill in the URL obtained in section "Copying the Template Link". Click Save.


    The task effect cannot be seen immediately because the execution frequency of this task is at 18:00 per day.

    To see the effect, you can go to System Management > Task Schedule > Task Management, and select Run Once.

    Sales Department > Sales Director corresponds to user Lisa (Lisa, 1).

    After execution, Lisa (Lisa, 1) logs into the FineMobile DataAnalyst app and receives a new message.


    In Task Schedule > File Process, you can choose Client Notification as processing method, and then tick APP Notification in Push Terminal.

    This chapter provides detailed information on the functions and notes of Client NotificationAPP Notification for pushing BI templates.

    For details about pushing FineReport templates, see Task Schedule Client Notification–APP Notification.


    Intranet Environment

    To push messages normally, the BI project server needs to be able to access the message push server. But in the BI engineering intranet environment, the access is not available.

    The admin can forward intranet BI servers and external communication by setting up a proxy server.

    For details, see Proxy Server Configuration.

    User Permissions

    BI dashboard is pushed to users through links.

    1. Task schedule is not restricted by directory viewing permissions. The dashboard does not need to be mounted in the directory on the decision-making platform, and if it is mounted, you do not need to have the viewing permission for that dashboard.

    2. You need to have the permission to view component data of the dashboard.

    3. If you do not have the permission, it will prompt: You currently do not have permission to view the data of this component, please contact the administrator.

    After enabling Role Permission Authentication in Template Authentication, you need to also have the viewing permission for this dashboard in Template Authentication.

    If you do not have the permission, it will prompt: No template permission.


    The recipient is the default user group set in Task Schedule > Basic Setting who will receive messages about scheduled tasks.

    Therefore, if you want to use Client Notification–APP Notification, you need to set the default user group, otherwise the message cannot be sent to any users.

    Message Type

    Client Notification–APP Notification only supports link messages, and other message types will be converted to link messages for sending.


    The subject is the title of the message and the content, which cannot be empty.

    1. Supports entering plain text manually.

    2. Supports formulae. For details, see Supported Formulas in Task Schedule.


    The content is the body of the message, which is optional.

    1. Supports text

    Supports entering plain text manually.

    2. Supports Formulae

    Supports formulae. For details, see Supported Formulas in Task Schedule.


    Link includes Time Result Link and Custom Link.

    1. Time Result Link refers to the CPR attachment generated by FineReport reports in scheduled tasks, which does not exist in the BI templates.

    Therefore, time result links can only be used when you select FineReport templates, but it cannot be used when you select FineBI templates.

    2. Custom Link supports the URL in previewing a mounted BI dashboard.


    Modify the IP of the URL according to the actual situation to validate the custom link. If you use an IP address such as localhost that cannot be opened, it will prompt: Error Loading Page.


    主题: System Management
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