Numeric Format

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Custom numeric unit
Author:Jenny.Tang      Create Time:06-04 11:03      Tag:      Edit:9 Times    |   View:377 Times

Summary:1. Overview1.1 Expected effectUser-displayed values need to be customized to modify the numeric units[Full Text:]

Chart value format
Author:doreen0813      Create Time:08-09 20:23      Tag:      Edit:8 Times    |   View:318 Times

Summary:1. Overview1.1 VersionFineBI versionFunctional changes5.1-5.1.10Adjust “Quantity Unit” in numerical f[Full Text:]

Table Numeric Format
Author:doreen0813      Create Time:06-26 11:21      Tag:      Edit:17 Times    |   View:454 Times

Summary:1. Overview1.1 Version SupportFineBIFineBI5.1-5.1.10The "Quantity Unit" under the numerical[Full Text:]