Data Service O&M

  • Last update: August 23, 2024
  • Overview


    FineDataLink VersionFunction Description



    Allowed viewing call records by application dimension.


    Allowed API maintainers and callers to filter calls by caller IP address and call error type in Call Record.

    Subdivided call failures into server failures and client failures.


    Allowed setting APIs to online/offline in batches.

    Moved the API Management and Call Record tabs under Task O&M > Data Service.

    Allowed reordering APIs/folders with drag-and-drop operations.

    Application Scenario

    After releasing APIs, you want to manage and monitor API tasks, view the running status and API calls, and bring APIs online and offline in batches.

    Function Description

    FineDataLink allows you to manage and monitor API tasks, view the running status and API calls, and bring APIs online and offline in batches.

    API List

    You can view and edit all API tasks within your permission scope in the API list.

    Click the ....png icon on the right side of an API, where you can rename, delete, and export the API, change the API location, and copy and paste the API to a path, as shown in the following figure:


    Renaming an API

    Select a task and rename it, as shown in the following figure:


    Changing the API Location

    Select a task in the A folder and move it to the B folder, as shown in the following figure:


    1. The online API cannot be moved to other folders until it is brought offline.

    2: The Move to button is used to change the folder (not the order) of an API only.



    Copying and Pasting an API

    Select a task in the A folder and enter the path and the folder of the API copy to place it in a specified folder, as shown in the following figure:

    The configuration of the API copy defaults to that of the copied API, including the setting of API Information (except for Path), Release Content and Parameter, and Preview Test. The API copy is in an offline status.



    Exporting an API

    For details, see API Task Import/Export.

    Deleting an API

    Select a task and delete it, as shown in the following figure:


    Drag-and-Drop Reordering

    In FineDataLink and later versions, you can drag and drop APIs/folders to change their positions, as shown in the following figure:


    • All users can manually drag and drop APIs/folders on which they have permission.

    • The new order works on all users' pages.

    • For example, a user sees top-down APIs 5, 1, and 7, and an admin sees top-down APIs 5, 6, 1, 9, and 7. If the user places API 7 between APIs 5 and 1 and API 7 is shown between APIs 6 and 1 on the admin’s page, API 7 is placed near the lower target node. (In this scenario, APIs 5 and 1 are target nodes, and API 1 is the lower one.) The same rule applies to folders.

    Application List

    For details, see API-to-App Binding.

    API Management

    Viewing the API List by API Task

    Choose O&M Center > Data Service > API Management, and select the specified API folder or API task to view API Quantity, Number of Online APIs, and Number of Online APIs, as shown in the following figure:


    You can filter APIs by the API creation time within a specified time range or by the API online/offline status to view API details, as shown in the following figure:


    You can click View Detail in the task list after filtering to view call records, as shown in the following figure:


    Additionally, you can click corresponding icons to enter the API editing page or publish the API, as shown in the following figure:


    Viewing the API List by App

    Choose O&M Center > Data Service > API Management > App, and select the specified application or folder to view API Quantity, Number of Online APIs, and Number of Online APIs, as shown in the following figure:


    You can filter API tasks of an application in a specified folder by the API creation time within a specific time range, or by the API online/offline status to view API details, as shown in the following figure:


    Similarly to the section "Viewing the API List by API Task," you can also easily view call records, edit, and publish APIs after filtering.

    Bringing APIs Online/Offline in Batches

    You can bring APIs online/offline in batches on both API and App pages.

    Select multiple APIs to be brought online/offline, and click the Batch Online/Batch Offline button, as shown in the following figure:


    The details are as follows:

    • You can select all tasks on the current page with one click to perform batch online/offline operations.

    • If the selected APIs are all in the offline status, the Batch Offline button will be displayed in grey. If the APIs are all in the online status, the Batch Online button will be displayed in grey.

    • The overwriting logic is used. For example, if you click Batch Online, online APIs will continue being online, while offline APIs will be brought online.

    You will be informed of the results of the operation, as shown in the following figure:


    Call Record

    Viewing Call Records by API Task

    Choose O&M Center > Data Service > Call Record, and select the specified task or folder to view Total Number of Calls, Number of Server Failures, Number of Client Failures, and Average Call Time, as shown in the following figure:


     The indicator name and definition are described in the follow table:

    Indicator NameIndicator Definition

    Total Number of Calls

    Total number of calls within a specific period

    Number of Server Failures

    Number of calls returning 50000 within a specific period

    Number of Client Failures

    Number of calls returning 4xxxx within a specific period

    Average Call Time

    Total time spent accessing backend resources, including connection request time, connection establishment time, and backend service call time (unit: millisecond)

    Total time spent within a specific period/Total number of calls within a specific period

    Filtering call records by API Name and Caller IP is supported. It helps the API maintainer review call records by API name and caller IP address, as shown in the following figure:


    You can filter records by the API call time within a specified time range or by the call status, as shown in the following figure:


    Viewing Call Records by App

    Choose O&M Center > Data Service > Call Record > App, and select the specified task or folder to view Total Number of Calls, Number of Server Failures, Number of Client Failures, and Average Call Time, as shown in the following figure:


    Filtering call records by API Name and Caller IP is supported. It helps the API maintainer review call records by API name and caller IP address, as shown in the following figure:


    You can filter records by the API call time within a specified time range or by the call status, as shown in the following figure:


    The call status display is the same as that in the section "Viewing Call Records by API Task."


    主题: Task O&M
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