File Dataset

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Remote Excel Dataset
Author:ayuan0625      Create Time:04-19 09:37      Tag:      Edit:10 Times    |   View:208 Times

Summary:OverviewSometimes you may need to call Excel datasets on other servers.In this case, you can call Exc[Full Text:]

XML Dataset
Author:yzm282451      Create Time:12-09 11:41      Tag:      Edit:1 Times    |   View:341 Times

Summary:OverviewXML datasets refer to those whose data source is a series of XML files. You can use FineRepor[Full Text:]

Text Dataset
Author:Wendy123456      Create Time:06-23 10:46      Tag:      Edit:1 Times    |   View:243 Times

Summary:OverviewVersionReport Server Version11.0Application ScenariosMost system-generated log files are text[Full Text:]

Excel Dataset
Author:ayuan0625      Create Time:12-01 10:53      Tag:      Edit:32 Times    |   View:1642 Times

Summary:OverviewExcel dataset uses Excel files as the data source.You can use these files as the data source,[Full Text:]

TXT and XML Dataset
Author:ayuan0625      Create Time:12-01 10:51      Tag:      Edit:32 Times    |   View:901 Times

Summary:I. Overview1) Some data are stored in unstructured or semi-structured forms, including TXT and X[Full Text:]