Excel Dataset

  • Last update:October 20, 2023
  • Overview

    Excel dataset uses Excel files as the data source.

    You can use these files as the data source, present the data with FineReport, and use them for data analysis.

    The size of the uploaded Excel file should not exceed 20MB.

    Creating an Excel Dataset

    Placing the Excel File under the Designated Path

    You need to copy the prepared Excel file and paste it under the path %FR_HOME%\webapps\webroot\WEB-INF\reportlets before ceating an Excel dataset. Take the Excel file Store Information as an example.

    Click to download the example data: Store Information.xlsx

    Adding an Excel Dataset

    1. Add a file dataset in the designer.

    2. Select Excel as the file type and add the file Store Information.

    3. Click OK. Then the newly added Excel dataset is displayed under Template Dataset.

    Excel Data Volume Limit

    You can set the maximun number of cells under Load Management > Template Limit > Excel Import Limit. For details, see Template Limit.

    Dynamic Excel Dataset

    1. Place Sales Information—Orlando.xlsx and Sales Information—San Francisco.xlsx under the path %FR_HOME%\webroot\WEB-INF\reportlets.

    2. Create a file dataset Sales Information, select Excel as the file type, and select Sales Information—Orlando.

    3. Replace Orlando with the City parameter and enter San Francisco as the parameter value.

    The parameter cannot be set to a cell formula. Set it to a string.

    4. Drag the fields into cells.

    5. Save the template and preview it. You can obtain different data by appending different parameter values after the template URL.

    Remote Excel Dataset

    The first method: Call the Excel dataset from another server. Specifically, call the Excel file in JSP page and access the corresponding JSP file through URL to use the Excel file as a dataset.

    The second method: Call the Excel file directly through URL, with the implementation ideas same as those in XML dataset.

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