

Big Data Chart

  • Last update:  2021-12-28
  • I. Overview

    1. Problem description

    When the amount of data is very large, reaching ten thousand, the chart loading will be slower and the display effect will be poor.

    In order to solve such problems, FineReport has added a big data optimization function, which can optimize the effect of the chart when the amount of data is large, and speed up the display of the chart. At present, it can be increased by 20 times.

    2. Application scenarios

    Currently the following charts have big data optimization functions: line chart, area chart, scatter chart, bubble chart, point map, flow map, combined map.


    II.Effect display

    1. Big data line chart


    2. Big data flow map


    Note: After the big data mode is turned on, some functions are unavailable (settings are grayed out): label, data table, monitor refresh-automatic data prompt, line chart marker-style customization, scatter chart line type, map animation function.

    Attachment List

    Theme: Chart
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