Read Template From Database

  • Last update:  2020-12-17
  • I. Overview

    Since Save Template to Database has described how to save CPT templates into databases, developers can access a report with its name when needed, convert the CPT template into the web report, and preview in a web browser without saving it locally. For example, type in the following URL into the browser:

    http://localhost:8075/webroot/decision/view/report?, press Enter and the template saved into the database will be displayed.

    Modify the value of parameter "reportname" to see other reports in the database.

    Note: the method doesn't apply to accessing FRM dashboards, which is a bit different from CPT files. The specific instructions will be given respectively hereinbelow.

    II. Read a CPT Report

    1. Create a New Class

    Create a new class ReadFromDatabase extending from (an abstract class), and implement the public Report createReport (ReportletRequest reportletRequest) method. Please refer to for detailed code.

    2. Compile and Generate a Class File

    The Java IDE will carry out the compilation automatically.

    Place the compiled ReadFromDatabase.class into %FR_HOME%/webapps/webroot/WEB-INF/classes/com/fr/demo/

    3. Publish and Access

    Compile the source file, start the report server, and go to http://localhost:8075/webroot/decision/view/report? to see the results as shown below.


    III. Read an FRM Report

    1. Create a New Class

    Create a new class ReadFromDatabase. You can check the complete code example here:

    2. Compile and Generate a Class File

    Place the compiled ReadfrmFromDatabase.class into %FR_HOME%/webapps/webroot/WEB-INF/classes/com/fr/demo/

    3. Publish and Access

    Start the report server and go to http://localhost:8075/webroot/decision/view/form? Analysis.frm to see the results as shown below.


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