Common Function Collection Plugin

  • Last update:  2022-03-04
  • I. Description

    1. Version

    Report Server VersionJAR Package VersionPlugin Version

    2. Application scenarios

    Put some commonly used functions into the plug-in, which is convenient for users to use.

    II. Plugin introduction

    1. Plugin installation

    Click to download the plugin: 

    Common Function

    Designer plugin installation method reference: Designer plugin management

    Server installation plugin method refer to: Server plugin management

    2. Operation method

    Right-click on the cell, select Cell Element > Insert Formula, click the plug-in function in the pop-up formula definition interface, and double-click the function name with the left mouse button to insert the function, as shown in the following figure:


    3. Introduction to functions

    Function nameIntroduction
    ScriptEvalJavaScript scripts can be used in this function to avoid nesting the writing of various IF and SWITCH functions
    StringReverseReverse the given parameter string
    StringFindFind the string index that a string contains
    StringMatchCheck if a string matches a given regular expression
    StringFetchExtract the matching string according to the regular expression, and finally return an array. If there is a third parameter, it means to return the value of the index position represented by the third parameter in the array
    StringPinyinOutput the pinyin of the given string
    StringShortPinyinOutput the initial pinyin (lowercase) of the given string
    StringSwapCaseSwap the case of letters in a string
    NumberToEnglishConvert numbers to english
    GetIPPass the built-in sessionID parameter to get the IP address of the currently accessed user
    ProcessErrorValueThe handler function returns an error value

    Find matching results from JSON text, JSON supports text, file paths, and URLs

    Can insert formulas in cells

    =JSONPathFinder("", "$[*].author")View Results

    MathFrequencyCount the number and frequency of word occurrences
    Find the variance of elements in an array
    MathStandardDeviationFind the standard deviation of the elements in an array
    Find the sum of squares of elements in an array
    MathGeometricMeanFind the geometric mean of the elements in an array
    MathMeanFind the arithmetic mean of the elements in an array
    EncryptShaHexSHA encryption
    EncryptSha256HexSHA256 encryption
    EncryptSha384HexSHA384 encryption
    EncryptSha512HexSHA512 encryption
    EncryptMd5HexMD5 encryption
    EncryptDesDES encryption. The first parameter is the text to be encrypted, the second parameter is the encrypted key, and the key is an 8-bit random variable string
    DecryptDesDES decryption. The first parameter is the text to be decrypted, and the second parameter is the key required for decryption
    HtmlFinderHTML page element lookup function
    ImageConvert the given parameter to an image, support local files, remote files and relative paths
    StringConditionConcatConcatenates the eligible elements in the given array according to the conditions, the built-in parameter index represents the index position, and item represents the element value

    3. Detailed introduction

    1. ScriptEval

    Once the plugin is installed, JavaScript syntax can be used in the SciptEval function.

    1) Parameter description

    ScriptEval (parameter, parameter name 1, parameter value 1, parameter name 2, parameter value 2, ...): The first parameter needs to be a string, the string is a legal JavaScript expression, and the subsequent parameters represent JavaScript parameter name 1, parameter value 1, parameter name 2, parameter value 2, etc. Since the parameter name and parameter value always appear in pairs, the total number of parameters must be an odd number, and the set parameter name can be Used in JavaScript.

    Note: The only requirements for JavaScript expressions are that they conform to JavaScript syntax and have a return value. For example: ScriptEval('return Math.max(p1, p2)', "p1", A1, "p2", B1) is equivalent to max(A1, B1).

    2) Judgment in the formula

    In the template, cell A4 expands down with the value [1,2,3,4,5] and cell B4 inserts the following condition:

    When the value of cell A4 is greater than 4, the value of A4 * 2 is returned. When the value of cell A4 is less than 4 and greater than 1, the absolute value of A4 minus 2 is returned. In other cases, the value of cell A4 is returned twice. square.

    The traditional way of writing a function is:

    if(A4 > 4, A4 * 2, if(and(A4 < 4, A4 > 1), abs(A4 - 2), power(A4, 2)))

    The ScriptEval function is written as:

    ScriptEval('if(a > 4) {return a * b;} else if (a < 4 && a > 1){return Math.abs(a - b);} else {return Math.pow(a, b) }', "a", A4, "b", 2)

    You can see that there is no difference at all in the results, but the expression using JavaScript syntax is more flexible.


    3) Array filtering

    Insert the following formula in cell B4 to filter out all even values in cell A4 and return it as an array. Cell B4 does not expand and the parent and child cells are None.

    ScriptEval('var r = [];origin.forEach(function(item, i){if(item % 2 == 0){r.push(item);}});return r;',"origin", A4)


    2. StringReverse

    1) Description

    StringReverse(parameter): reverse the string, the parameter is a string.

    2) Example

    StringReverse("abc") returns cba

    3. StringFind

    1) Description

    Find the string index that a string contains.

    2) Example

    StringFind("ba", "a"): Returns the position 1 of the first occurrence of a in the string

    StringFind("ba", "c"): Indicates that -1 is returned when the string cannot be found

    Note: Positions are counted from 0. That is, StringFind("ba", "b") returns 0.

    The function can be passed a third parameter, false means to search from the end.

    4. StringMatch

    1) Description

    StringMatch(string, string): Determines whether the string matches the regular expression of the string, and returns true if the result matches, otherwise returns false.

    2) Example

    StringMatch("abcdefg", "bc"): returns true

    5. StringFetch

    1) Description

    Extract the matching string according to the regular expression, and finally return an array. If there is a third parameter, it means to return the value of the index position represented by the third parameter in the array.

    2) Example

    StringFetch("2012-08-12 2012-12 abcde 2012-08-23", "\\d{4}[ /-]{1}\\d{2}([ /-]{1}\\d {2})?"): return 2012-08-12, 2012-12, 2012-08-23

    StringFetch("2012-08-12 2012-12 abcde 2012-08-23", "\\d{4}[ /-]{1}\\d{2}([ /-]{1}\\d {2})?", 2): return 2012-08-23

    For an introduction to regular expressions, please refer to the document: Regular Expression Definition Rules

    6. StringPinyin

    1) Description

    StringPinyin(string, parameter 1, parameter 2): Output the pinyin of the given string.

    Parameter 1 represents the spacer between pinyin.

    Parameter 2 represents the output format of Pinyin, 1 represents no tone output, and -1 represents the digital representation of tone.

    2) Example

    StringPinyin("你好啊", " ", -1): return ni3 hao3 a1

    7. StringShortPinyin

    1) Description

    Output the initial pinyin (lowercase) of the given string.

    2) Example

    StringShortPinyin("你好啊"): returns nha

    8. StringSwapCase

    1) Description

    Swap the case of letters in a string.

    2) Example

    StringSwapCase("abcDeFg"): returns ABCdEfG

    9. NumberToEnglish

    1) Description

    Translate numbers into English.

    2) Example

    NumberToEnglish("1234567"): Returns One Million, Two Hundred And Thirty-Four Thousand, Five Hundred And Sixty-Seven

    10. GetIP

    1) Description

    Pass the built-in sessionID parameter to get the IP address.

    2) Example

    GetIP(): returns 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1

    11. ProcessErrorValue

    1) Description

    Handle formulas that return error values. When an error occurs in a general function, it will output something like #ERROR_NAME. This function can output a custom value when the function returns an error value, and other values remain unchanged.

    2) Example

    ProcessErrorValue(SQRT(), "wrong value"): returns the wrong value

    12. JSONPathFinder

    1) Description

    When designing a report, not all the data are strings or arrays that can be directly recognized by the report, and sometimes the data is passed in JSON format. At this time, we need to use the JSONPathFinder function to obtain the data we want for different query conditions. The data.

    2) Example

    If you have data in JSON structure like this: see here. This is a JSON data describing a bookstore. Now we need to query the names of all books whose price is less than 10. Just insert the following formula:


    There are two books that qualify, so the formula returns an array: [Sayings of the Century,Moby Dick]


    3) JSON Path Query Tutorial

    For details, please refer to: Jayway JsonPath

    13. MathFrequency

    1) Description

    Count the number and frequency of word occurrences.

    2) Example

    MathFrequency([1, 3, 2, 4, 2], 3): Returns 1, indicating that 3 appears only once in the array.

    MathFrequency([1, 3, 2, 4, 2], 3,3): Returns 0.2, indicating that the frequency of 3 occurrences is 0.2, that is, if the third parameter is given, it will be expressed as frequency.

    14. MathVariance

    1) Description

    Find the variance of the elements in an array.

    2) Example

    MathVariance(1,1,2,4,5) : returns 3.3

    15. MathStandardDeviation

    1) Description

    Find the standard deviation of the elements in an array.

    2) Example

    MathStandardDeviation(1,2,3,4,5): returns 1.5811388300841898

    16. MathSumOfSquares

    1) Description

    Find the sum of squares of the elements in an array.

    2) Example

    MathSumOfSquares(1,1,2,4,5): returns 47

    17. MathGeometricMean

    1) Description

    Find the geometric mean of the elements in an array.

    2) Example

    MathGeometricMean(1,1,2,4,5): returns 2.0912791051825463

    18. MathMean

    1) Description

    Finds the arithmetic mean of the elements in an array.

    2) Example

    MathMean(1,1,2,4,5): returns 2.6

    19. EncryptShaHex

    1) Description

    SHA encryption.

    2) Example

    EncryptShaHex("abc"): The encrypted result is a9993e364706816aba3e25717850c26c9cd0d89d

    EncryptShaHex(123): The encryption result is 40bd001563085fc35165329ea1ff5c5ecbdbbeef

    Note: English double quotation marks must be included when encrypting fixed strings, and digital encryption can be added or not.

    20. EncryptSha256Hex

    1) Description

    SHA256 encryption.

    2) Example

    EncryptSha256Hex("abc"): The encrypted result is ba7816bf8f01cfea414140de5dae2223b00361a396177a9cb410ff61f20015ad

    EncryptSha256Hex(123): The encrypted result is a665a45920422f9d417e4867efdc4fb8a04a1f3fff1fa07e998e86f7f7a27ae3

    Note: English double quotation marks must be included when encrypting fixed strings, and digital encryption can be added or not.

    21. EncryptSha384Hex

    1) Description

    SHA384 encryption.

    2) Example

    EncryptSha384Hex("abc"): The encryption result is [B@3391f875

    EncryptSha384Hex(123): The encryption result is [B@202bddc

    Note: English double quotation marks must be included when encrypting fixed strings, and digital encryption can be added or not.

    22. EncryptSha512Hex

    1) Description

    SHA512 encryption.

    2) Example

    EncryptSha512Hex("abc"): The encryption result is


    EncryptSha512Hex(123): The encryption result is


    Note: English double quotation marks must be included when encrypting fixed strings, and digital encryption can be added or not.

    23. EncryptMd5Hex

    1) Description

    MD5 encryption.

    2) Example

    EncryptMd5Hex("abc"): The encrypted result is 900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72

    EncryptMd5Hex(123): Encryption result is 202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70

    Note: English double quotation marks must be included when encrypting fixed strings, and digital encryption can be added or not.

    24. EncryptDes

    1) Description

    DES encryption.

    EncryptDes (parameter 1, parameter 2): The first parameter is the text to be encrypted, and the second parameter is the encrypted key.

    2) Example

    As shown in the figure below, EncryptDes(A1,B1): return LDiFUdf0iew=

    Note: The key needs to be an 8-bit random variable string.

    5.png  Note: English double quotation marks must be included when encrypting fixed strings, and digital encryption can be added or not.

    25. DecryptDes

    1) Description

    DES decryption.

    DecryptDes (parameter 1, parameter 2): The first parameter is the text to be decrypted, and the second parameter is the key required for decryption.

    2) Example

    As shown in the figure below, DecryptDes(A1,B1): returns 123


    26. HtmlFinder

    1) Description

    HTML page element lookup function.

    HtmlFinder(parameter 1, parameter 2): The first parameter is the address of the HTML page to be found, and the second parameter is the DOM tag of the query.

    2) Example

    HtmlFinder("", "a[href]"): You can find all hyperlinks on the Baidu homepage.    

    For other grammar rules, please refer to: Use selector-syntax to find elements

    27. Image

    Converts the given parameter to an image, supports local files, remote files and relative paths.

    28. StringConditionConcat

    1) Description

    Concatenates the eligible elements in the given array according to the condition, the built-in parameter index represents the index position, and item represents the element value.

    2) Example

    StringConditionConcat(["two", "b", "oriole", "asd", "singing green willow"], index % 2 = 1): return two orioles singing green willow

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