Data display setting

  • Last update:  2022-02-10
  • I. Overview

    1. Version

    Report server version

    2. Function introduction

    In the client browser, the effect of viewing the report is through processing the basic data. To make a report template, we need to prepare the basic data for the report. There are many ways to source basic data, such as from database tables, views, stored procedures, or other text files such as excel. No matter which way the data comes from and what preprocessing it goes through, it will eventually return one or more 2D tables as shown in the figure below:

    With these basic data, we can reprocess these data to show the style we need. The data can be displayed in three ways: list, group and summary, as shown in the following figure

    II. List


    As shown in the figure above, the data displayed in the report is exactly the same as that in the dataset, that is, each record in the dataset is displayed intact regardless of whether it is repeated or not. This is a list type detail list. The settings in the designer are as follows:

    截屏2021-01-25 下午3.22.40.png

    You can see the data column set as a list, represented by "S", which corresponds to English select.

    III. Grouping

    It can be divided into normal group, adjacent continuous group and advanced group. Let's compare the different scenarios of the three groups.

    1. Common grouping


    As shown in the figure above, the method of merging the same items in the data column into a group is called group display.

    The settings in the designer are as follows:

    截屏2021-01-25 下午3.24.38.png

    You can see the data column set as group, which is represented by "g", corresponding to English group.

    2. Adjacent continuous grouping

    In this way, only the same data connected together can be merged. We call it adjacent continuous grouping.

    The settings in the designer are as follows:

    The advantages of this grouping method are: it is generally used to group the ordered columns in SQL, so the grouping performance is better than ordinary grouping, which can solve the problem of slow grouping. Its specific use of adjacent continuous grouping function to improve the performance of the report optimization, you can use adjacent continuous grouping to improve the performance of the report.

    3. Advanced grouping

    Advanced grouping is divided into condition grouping and formula grouping. Click Custom to open the following interface:

    截屏2021-01-25 下午3.29.16.png

    The specific application can refer to group by section, condition and formula.

    4. Summary

    截屏2021-01-25 下午3.54.39.png

    For the value type field in the table, we can set its aggregation method. For example, we can summarize and sum the sales volume field according to the region and salesperson, or calculate the average sales volume, maximum sales volume, minimum sales volume and number of products of a salesperson in a region. All these belong to the summary of data.

    The settings in the designer are as follows to summarize the sales volume:

    截屏2021-01-25 下午3.29.45.png

    Set the parent cell of E2 to B2, and the sales volume can be summed according to the salesperson, as follows:

    截屏2021-01-25 下午3.54.48.png

    IV. Template download

    For completed templates, please refer to:


    Click to download the template:


    Attachment List

    Theme: Report Application
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