Plugin Registration

  • Last update:May 16, 2024
  • Overview


    Report Server Version
    Functional Change



    Application Scenario

    FanRuan supports developers in developing their plugins and uploading them to share with others.

    Developers hope to profit by selling plugins, so they invest more energy in improving plugins.

    Users hope to obtain finer plugins. Therefore, a sound ecosystem is formed.

    Function Description

    You can license the plugin during the project registration, or purchase the plugin license separately.

    This document describes how to add the plugin license to the project after purchasing the plugin license separately.


    · When the report project is not registered, plugins can be used for free requiring no license.

    · After the report project is registered, free plugins can be used normally requiring no license.

    · After the report project is registered, purchased paid plugins with the license can be used normally.

    · After the report project is registered, paid plugins that have not been purchased can be tried for free for 90 days. After 90 days, users need to purchase a license to use them.

    · If licenses of the separate plugin and plugin package are inconsistent, the longer license period prevails. Besides, the project license is checked for expiration every 2:00 AM.

    License Purchasing

    You can contact our business personnel to purchase the license. If there is no business personnel for docking, contact our technical support for the contact information of the business personnel. For details, see

    Plugin License Registration

    Plugin Installation

    For details about installing the plugin in the designer, see Server Plugin Management.

    License Installation

    You can install the license with two methods: platform installation (recommended) and manual installation.

    Platform Installation

    Log in to the decision-making platform as the admin, choose System Management > Registration Management > Version Info, click the upload button behind the corresponding plugin, and upload the license file.

    Manual Installation

    Place the license file to the corresponding plugin file in the project.

    For example, when uploading the downloaded plugin, place the license file to the path %FR_HOME%\webroot\WEB-INF\plugins\

    Restart the report project server to make the registration take effect.

    License Verification

    Go to the decision-making platform and choose System Management > Plugin Management > My Plugins to view the plugin. When the license is permanent, the registration succeeds.

    Attachment List

    Theme: Deployment and Integration
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