JS Sound Alert for Data Entry

  • Last update:January 06, 2021
  • I. Overview

    1.1 Problem description

    When filling the form, if the content being entered does not match the actual situation, a warning can be issued through prompts. Simple prompts may be ignored, and here is a way to warn by sound.

    As shown in the example below, if the quantity is more than 100, you can hear the alarm.


    1.2 Implementation ideas

    Add conditional formatting to limit the value to be filled, and call the alarm sound through the Loading End event.

    II. Example

    2.1 Template preparation

    You can create a template yourself, or download the attached template for testing.

    2.2 Conditional Formatting

    1) Add a New Value condition formatting in cell L3, as shown in the figure below:


    The new value is a string: <embed width="0" height="0" src="/webroot/help/5196.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true" hidden="true"></embed>

    The formula condition is: J3> 100

    Note: where src is the storage path of the warning sound, you need to save the warning sound file in %FR_HOME%\webapps\webroot\help in advance. Currently, this method does not support referencing online addresses.

    Click to download the warning sound file:


    2) Set cell L3 to Display by HTML.



    2.3 Template web attributes

    Choose Template> Web Attributes. In this example, a form is used for setting, so select Data Entry Settings and add a Loading End event, as shown in the following figure:


    The JavaScript code is:



    2.4 Preview effect

    Save the template and choose Data Entry Preview. You can experience the warning sound effect locally by yourself.

    Note: Mobile terminal is not supported.

    III. Completed Template

    Attachment List

    Theme: Data Entry
    • Helpful
    • Not helpful
    • Only read





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    *Problem Type
    Cannot be empty
    Problem Description
    Cannot be empty

    Submitted successfully

    Network busy