[Platform] Data Connection Management

  • Last update:July 31, 2023
  • Overview


    Report Server Version

    Functional Change




    For details, see section "SSH Setting" and section "SSL Setting".

    Added SSH settings in JDBC data connection of the designer to enhance security.

    Added SSL settings in Mysql data connection of the designer to enhance security.


    Added the function of data connection timeout detection.


    You can create a data connection without the designer through Data Connection on the platform. You can also check the databases to which the current report is connected and make modifications.

    Data connections created on the platform can also be managed in the designer.

    Creating a Data Connection

    Log into the decision-making system as the admin and choose System Management > Data Connection > Data Connection Management > New Data Connection.

     If you are not the admin and want to configure data connections, you need to get the permission from the admin for data connection management.


    Selecting Database Type

    There are three types: Commonly Used, All, and Others.


    Commonly Used: display commonly used databases.

    All: display all supported databases on the platform.

    Others: create data connections including JDBC data connection, JNDI data connection, and adapted third-party data source plugins.

    Connecting to a Database

    Configuring Database Information

    Select a database and go to the data connection configuration interface.


    The following table introduces all configuration items.

    Configuration Item


    Data Connection Name

    Name of the data connection (name it as personal needs and habits).


    Driver needed to connect to the database

    Default: built-in database drivers in some databases (You can use them directly.)

    Custom: need to customize drivers that do not exist in FineReport. For details, see Driver Management.

    Database Name

    Name of the database to be connected to


    Enter the IP address of the host (or server) where the database is located.


    Port number of the host (or server) where the database is located

    AUTH Method

    If the database supports multiple authentication methods, a drop-down list will appear.

    Username and Password: username and password of the database

    Kerberos AUTH: client name and Keytab secret path registered with KDC


    Use automatic setting of the system.


    Some databases require you to select a pattern (connect successfully first).

    No need to select a pattern if there is no Pattern option in the setting interface

    The first pattern is selected by default if no pattern is selected.

    Use the pattern prefix in SQL statements to search a certain table or view in a specific pattern when a multi-pattern database is connected.

    Connection Pool Settings

    When connecting to the database, you can make (or not) some advanced settings as needed.


    SSH Setting

    If you need high security, SSH should be used. Directly tick Use SSH Tunnel and enter the corresponding information.

    There are two options in Verify TypePassword and Public Key. If you select Public Key, you need to put the file under the path %FineReport%/webapps/webroot/WEB-INF/resources.


    SSL Setting

    SSL Setting is only supported in MySQL database.

    1. Put the CA certificate, client certificate, and client secret key under the path %FineReport%/webapps/webroot/WEB-INF/resources/certificates. Add them to the data connection.


    2. Tick Use SSL Tunnel and add the file into the corresponding location.


    3. Click Test Connection.


    Data Connection Management

    Management Scope

    In the decision-making system, choose System Management > Data Connection > Data Connection Management.


    The following table introduces buttons after you click  on the right side of a data connection.

    Button Name


    Test Connection

    Test whether the database configuration is successful.


    Modify the various configuration items of the data connection.


    Rename the data connection.


    Copy the database and add 1 behind the name of data connection automatically.


    Delete the database.

    Type and Created by

    Display the type of the database and its creator.

    For unadapted data connections (like unadapted third-party data source plugins) on the platform, the system can only read the name of the data source. You can only create, edit, and view the data connection in the designer. In this case, a prompt pops up: This type can only be viewed using the old version data connection in the designer.


    Connection Pool Status

    Only JDBC databases have connection pools.

    You can view created data connections and their corresponding connection status.


    The description of Active Connection Number and Number of idle connections is shown in the following table.

    Connection Pool Status


    Active Connection Number

    Maximum connection number that the connection pool can create. If the maximum number is 10 (already 10 data connections in the pool), the system will pop up an error when you apply for the eleventh data connection: active 10 maxActive 10.

    Number of idle connections

    Connections that are in idle status and can change into active connections at any time. The idle status will be released when it exceeds the maximum idle connection time.

    Active connection number + Idle connection number = Actual physical connection number

    Data Connection Timeout Detection

    You can use the Data Connection Timeout Detection function to customize the timeout time of a data connection in Data Connection Management > Global Setting.

    When a data connection times out, an error pops up: 31300010 kdc server is not connected. You can modify manually.


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