When Value of Drop-down Box is None, Show All Data

  • Last update:December 23, 2021
  • I. Overview

    1. Problem description

    When you use parameters to query data, if the parameter value in the widget is empty, no data will be displayed after you click Query. As shown below:


    We need to achieve the effect that when the parameter value in the widget is empty, click Query, the report will display all the data. That is, when there is no filter, all the data of the report are displayed.

    As shown below:


    2. Solution

    You can use template parameters and dataset parameters to query data, and modify the filter and dataset definition method to realize drop-down box selects all when parameter is none.

    II. Example 1: Using template parameters

    1. Create a dataset

    Create a new dataset ds1 and enter the SQL statement SELECT * FROM Sales_Volume to query all the data in the table. As shown below:


    2. Define a template parameter

    1) Define a template parameter "Region" and set its default value to "East China". As shown below:


    2) Edit the parameters pane, click "Add All", and set the Data Dictionary of the drop-down box widget as Region field in the Sales_Volume table. As shown below:


    3. Design the report

    Follow the instructions in the table below to style the report. As shown in the following table:

    A1~E1The cells write the title fields in sequence: Region, Salesperson, Product Type, Product, and Sales Volume. Select cells A1 to E1 to set the predefined style head bule.
    A2~E2The cells are then dragged into the dataset column fields: Region, Salesperson, Product_types, Product, and Sales_Volume. Select cells A2 to E2 with the font centered.
    A1~E2Select cells A1 through E2 and add a blue border to the table as a whole.


    4. Set the filter

    Add Filter to cell A2. Double click A2, select Filter > Common, choose Formula and enter if(len($Region)==0,nofilter,$Region), click Add, click OK, that is, by adding filter to achieve the expected effect. As shown below:

    Note: nofilter said not filter, the formula "if(len($Region)==0, nofilter, $Region) " means that if the parameter "Region" is empty, said don't filter the data, if not empty, the data will filter by "Region".


    III. Example 2: Using dataset parameters

    1. Create a dataset

    Set conditions when defining dataset parameters to achieve the expected effect, create a new dataset ds1, enter the SQL statement: SELECT * FROM Sales_Volume WHERE 1=1 ${if(len(Region) == 0,"","and Region = '" + Region + "')} .The default setting parameter is East China, as shown in the following figure:


    The statements in the formula are commented as follows:

    WHERE 1=1 indicates that the condition is always true, preventing error when there is no parameter condition.

    len(Region)==0 indicates that the parameter "Region" is empty.

    "Region" between "and Region ='"+Region+" ' " means get the value of parameter, and '+' is a string concatenation symbol.

    ${if(len(Region)==0, ""," and Region = ' " + Region + " ' ")}, said:

    If Region is empty, the query statement is equivalent to the following: SELECT * FROM Sales_Volume

    If Region is not empty, the query statement is equivalent to the following: SELECT * FROM Sales_Volume WHERE 1=1 and Region='${Region}'

    2. Design the report

    Follow the instructions in the table below to style the report. As shown in the following table:

    A1~E1The cells write the title fields in sequence: RegionSalespersonProduct TypeProduct, and Sales Volume. Select cells A1 to E1 to set the predefined style head bule.
    A2~E2The cells are then dragged into the dataset column fields: RegionSalespersonProduct_typesProduct, and Sales_Volume. Select cells A2 to E2 with the font centered.
    A1~E2Select cells A1 through E2 and add a blue border to the table as a whole.


    3. Add the widget

    Edit the parameter pane, click "Add All", and set the Data Dictionary of the drop-down box widget as Region in the Sales_Volume table. As shown below:


    IV. Preview effect

    1. PC

    Save the report, then click Pagination Preview to view the effect. As shown below:


    2. Mobile

    The effect of App and HTML5 is the same, as shown below:


    V. Precaution

    Problem description

    After setting according to above, when parameter is empty, we need click query to display all data, how to set preview to display all data without click query?


    Uncheck "Display Nothing Before Query" of the parameter pane, as shown below:


    VI. Download templates

    1) Example 1

    Please refer to the completed template: %FR_HOME%\webroot\WEB-INF\reportlets\doc-EN\Parameter\Drop-down_Box_Selects_All.cpt

    Click to download the template: Drop-down_Box_Selects_All.cpt

    2) Example 2:

    Please refer to the completed template: %FR_HOME%\webroot\WEB-INF\reportlets\doc-EN\Parameter\Drop-down_Box_Selects_All(Dataset).cpt

    Click to download the template: Drop-down_Box_Selects_All(Dataset).cpt

    Attachment List

    Theme: Parameter
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    *Problem Type
    Cannot be empty
    Problem Description
    Cannot be empty

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