
  • Last update:  2021-03-29
  • I. Operator

    Operators are used to perform program code operations and will perform operations on more than one operand item



     Operation object


    +PlusNumber or cell2+3
    -MinusNumber or cellA1-B1  
    *MultiplicationNumber or cellA1*2  
     / DivisionNumber or cellA3/3  
    %Take the remainderNumber or cell5% 2 is 1 
    &&Condition and, only when the values of both operands are true, the value is trueConditionA&&B  
    ||Condition or, as long as one of the two operands is true, the value is trueConditionA||B  
    &Take the row and column of the cell Cell  &A1  
    !Negation is the opposite of the conditionCondition!A, if A is true, !A is false
    ==equal Number or variable  A==2  
    !=not equal toNumber or variableA!=null 
    :To, used to take a continuous range of cellscellFor example, A1:B3 is the set of cells from A1 to B3 
    >more thanNumber or variable or cell3>2 
    <less thanNumber or variable or cell A1<2 
    >= more than or equal toNumber or variable or cellA1>=2 
    <= Less than or equal to Number or variable or cell A1<=2 
    .Reference object or methodObject or method ds1.select(#1) 
    $Parameter reference character or absolute positioningParameter or absolute positioningThe former is like $para and the latter is used in hierarchical coordinates like B1=$B1
    Column number columnds1.select(#1) 
    ${}Macro definitionparameterFor example, in SQL select * from table ${"where 1=2"}, the value in ${} will be calculated first, and then the complete SQL statement will be spliced
    Cell[]Hierarchical coordinate operatorcellA2[A1:-1] 
    $$$Indicates that the value of the current cell is the current value Cells with data if($$$=0,"",$$$) means that if the current value is 0, it will display empty, otherwise it will be the current value
    \\ Quote "\", the value is \cell Such as \"represents reference"
    \n NewlinestringFor example, if the string is aabb, if you want bb to be displayed in a new line, fill in aa\nbb

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