Button Widget

  • Last update:December 01, 2020
  • I. Overview

    The Button widget can trigger events using JavaScript. For example, click the button to empty current query conditions. For another example, click the button to open a child window to display another report, like the effect of a hyperlink.

    II. Steps

    1. Drag the widget

     1) Click on the Checkbox Group widget and drag it into the parameter pane. The widget name defaults to button0.


    2) You are allowed to change the widget name. The widget name is used to bind the widget with a certain parameter. Specifically, the widget will be bound to a parameter when they have the same name. In the Preview mode, the values selected with the widget will be passed to the parameter.

    2. Disable the widget

    1) Check [Enabled]. In the Preview mode, you are allowed to check the options the widget displays.

    2) Uncheck [Enabled]. In the Preview mode, the widget has a shallow color and you are not allowed to check the options the widget displays.

    3. Hide the widget

    1) Check [Visible]. In the Preview mode, the widget is visible.

    2) Uncheck [Visible]. In the Preview mode, the widget is not visible.

    4. Change the button name

    You are allowed to change the button name.

    5. Initial background

    The preset widget background is white text on blue background.

    6. Background settings

    You can add custom color to enhance the visual effect.

    7. Over background

    1) When the mouse is moved onto the Button widget, the widget background will be in the selected color.

    2) When the mouse is move out the Button widget, the widget background will return to the original color.

    8. Click background

    Move your mouse onto the Button widget to change the widget background by clicking the mouse.

    9. Font size

    1) You are allowed to change the font size. The font size is 12 by default.

    2) Take the steps shown in the demonstration example below to set the font face, font size and font color.

    10. Icon settings

    1) Click […] after the [Icon] and a [Select Icon] window pops up.

    2) Adding an icon to the Button widget may enhance the visual effect.

    11. Shortcut key

    1) Input the name of the shortcut key in the right-hand pane and use the shortcut to execute the Button widget.

    2) Take the Enter key as an example.  In the Preview mode, execute query by pressing the Enter key on your keyboard.

    3) The example below introduces how to add a Click event for auto query_g().parameterCommit();

    4) Not all shortcuts are allowed. Move your mouse to the Shortcuts box and a list of allowed shortcuts will appear.

    12. Widget position

    1) Widget position refers to the coordinates of the widget in the parameter pane.

    2) Manually input the widget coordinates or directly drag the widget to any position at your option.

    13. Widget size

    1) To resize the widget, put your cursor onto a border line and the cursor will change into a streamlined arrow, then click and drag.

    2) Directly input the width and height of the widget.

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