Chart Legend

  • Last update:February 26, 2025
  • Overview


    Report Server Version


    Function Description

    The content displayed by Legend is actually subject to the settings under Series > Color. Three types are included:

    1. General legend: You can click a legend to show or hide the corresponding series.

    image 55.png

    2. Continuous gradient legend: You can slide the dots up and down to change the value range. The shape corresponding to the value within the range is displayed, while the shape corresponding to the value out of the range is hidden.

    image 45.png

    3. Legend by segment: You can click a legend to show or hide the corresponding graph.

    image 46.png 


    1. Only when you set Color Section to Value in Series for MapDrill MapHeat MapBubble ChartScatter Chart, and Word Cloudyou can set the last two types of legends for the charts and maps. In other cases, you can only set the general legend.

    2. No legend can be set for Structure Chart or Gauge.

    3. Too many legends displayed in a chart may not be fully displayed on the mobile terminal. In this case, you can drag the scroll bar displayed after you click the blank legend area to view the remaining legends.

    Attribute Description

    You can set five common attributes (Layout, Style, Border, Background, and Display Strategy) for legends. After you set Color Section to Value under Style > Series for Map, Drill Map, Heat Map, Bubble Chart, Scatter Chart, or Word Cloud, the Format attribute will be available in Legend. The following will introduce the attributes respectively below.


    Set Position to Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Upper Right, or Custom Floating Position for legends. Legends are displayed on the right by default.

    image 47.png

    1. Top/Bottom

    When you set Position to Top or Bottom, Arrangement (which can be set to Flow or Aligned) will be available. Aligned is selected by default.

    image 48.png

    The following figures show the effects of Flow and Aligned respectively in a chart with too many legends.

    2. Left/Right/Upper Right

    When you set Position to Left, Right, or Upper Right, Arrangement will be unavailable, as shown in the following figure.

    image 49.png

    3. Custom Floating Position

    You can set X Direction and Y Direction to control the legend position.

    For details, see Custom Position of the Chart Title and Legend.

    image 50.png


    You can set the font type, font color, and font size for legends. Theme is selected by default. You can select Custom according to your specific needs.

    image 51.png


    When the minimum font size (if any) set in the browser is bigger than that set in the template chart, the browser's setting will prevail.

    For example, if the minimum font size set in the Chrome browser and in the chart is 12pt and 10pt respectively, the size of the chart font displayed in the report you view in Chrome will be 12pt instead of 10pt. In this case, you need to modify the browser font size.


    You can set the border for the entire legend. None is selected by default. The setting items are as follows.

    • Line Style: You can set the line style (None by default) for the legend border.

    • Color: You can set the color used for the legend border.

    • Rounded Corner: You can set the radian (0px by default) for the four rounded corners of the legend border.

    image 52.png


    You can set the background (No Background by default) for the entire legend. The setting items are as follows.

    • Fill: You can select No Background (default value), Color, or Gradient Color from the drop-down list.

    • Opacity: You can set the transparency effect (100% by default) for the background.

    • Shadow: You can set whether to enable the shadow effect (Off by default) for the chart background.

    image 53.png

    Display Strategy

    You can set the size of the legend in the entire chart and the interaction effect of the legend during preview.

    1. Area Size: You can control the size of the legend display area. You can select Auto (namely no size limit, which is selected by default) or Custom.

    When Position is set to Custom Floating Position in LayoutArea Size is grayed out and cannot be set.

    2. Fixed Display: The interaction effect varies as Fixed Display (enabled by default) is enabled or disabled.

    Fixed Display cannot be set for multi-layer pie charts, heat maps, and charts with Color Type set to Continuous Gradient under Style Series Color. When Color Type is set to Area Gradient, the Fixed Display effect is the same as the normal legend effect in section "General Legend."

    image 54.png

    Interaction Effect

    1. Fixed Display Disabled

    A legend is hidden when you click the legend text or icon for the first time and displayed when you click it again. The following figure shows the effect.


    2. Fixed Display Enabled

    • When you hover your cursor over a legend displayed, the legend icon changes to a pin image 58.png(whose color follows the series color). When you hover your cursor over the legend icon, the legend is highlighted, and the opacity of the corresponding series is 100%, while the opacity of other series is 30%.

    image 57.png

    • When you click the text of a displayed legend, the legend is hidden. When you can click the text or icon of the hidden legend, the legend is displayed again.

    • When you click the icon of a displayed legend, the icon changes image 58.png from to  image 59.png. In this case, only this legend is displayed and other legends are hidden. You can click an icon corresponding to a hidden legend to display the legend again. All series will be displayed after you click image 59.png of the only one series originally displayed in the chart.



    After you set Color Section to Value under Style > Series for Map, Drill Map, Heat Map, Bubble Chart, Scatter Chart, or Word Cloud, the Format attribute will be available in Legend.

    1. When Label Format is set to Common, the legend display format is subject to the option selected from the Format drop-down box, as shown in the following figure.

    image 60.png

    2. When Label Format is set to Custom, you can enter JavaScript codes to parse the text content with HTML for custom legend format. For details, see Custom Chart Title/Label/Prompt.

    image 61.png

    Attachment List

    Theme: Chart
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