

Insert Text

  • Last update:  2020-11-30
  • I. Overview

    Similar to Excel, FineReport allows users to insert text in cells, and text can function as titles, headings and instructions in a report.

    You will learn
    • Insert Text

    • Format Text and Cell

    II. Steps

    There are two ways to insert text.

    1. Method 1

    1) Insert text in the right-hand pane.

    2) Select B1. In the right-hand pane, the default choice of Cell Element is Insert Text.

    3) Directly input text in the input box below. The text will function as a heading of the data column in B2.

    2. Method 2

     Double-click C1, and you can directly input text.

    3. Format text

    1) Select one single cell or a series of cells.

    2) Format the text by modifying font, font size, alighment, etc.

    3) You can also define the borders and fill color of cells to create an eye-catching heading

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