I. Overview
In order to control whether the widget is visible, set widget events, etc., it is usually necessary to obtain the widget object. In the parameter pane of cpt and frm, the data entry page of cpt and the body of frm, you can get widget objects.
II. Get widget object
For the parameter pane of cpt and frm, the methods are the same:
var Widget = this.options.form.getWidgetByName("WidgetName");
For the data entry of cpt, contentPane must be obtained first:
var Widget = contentPane.getWidgetByName("WidgetName");
III. Common methods of widget
Method name | Method | Description |
Get Value | Widget.getValue() | Get widget value |
Get Value | Widget.getText() | Get display value |
Assign Value | Widget.setValue() | Assign values to parameter widget, it is not recommended to assign values to the data entry widget |
Reset | Widget.reset() | Clear data |
visible | Widget.visible() | Set the widget to be visible |
Invisible | Widget.invisible() | Set the widget to be not visible |
Visible or not | Widget.isvisible() | Visible returns true, invisible returns false |
Set visible | Widget.setVisible(boolean) | Set the widget to be visible, true is visible, false is invisible |
Set enabled | Widget.setEnable(boolean) | Set the widget to be available, true is available, false is not available |
Enabled or not | Widget.isEnabled() | Return true if available, false if not available |
Call widget event | Widget.fireEvent("Event Name") | Set the widget to trigger an event with the specified name |
If the js is in the current widget, you can directly use this instead of obtaining current widget, such as this.getValue().
The reason why it is not recommended to use Widget.setValue() to assign a value to the data entry cell, is that the value is assigned to the widget and will be cleared before the widget passes to the cell. So it is recommended to use setCellValue() to assign a value to the data entry cell.