Template Theme Management

  • Last update:March 21, 2024
  • Overview


    Report Server Version
    JAR Package VersionFunctional Change






    Allowed you to set Inside Border in Cell Style of Template Theme Management.

    Application Scenario

    It may be troublesome for you to set the template style when you create a template through FineReport.

    • For example, you do not know how to create a beautiful template with attractive table styles and chart colors.

    • You do not know how to reuse a beautiful style so that you have to make repeated settings and adjustments every time.

    • You may need to reset well-made styles because of changing needs.

    To solve the above possible problems, FineReport 11.0 has added the theme switchover function. You can select a theme from multiple built-in themes and add, modify, and delete the theme through this function, which can meet your customization needs and help you create attractive templates quickly.

    Function Description

    • You can perform theme management for both Dashboard and General/Aggregation Report. Built-in themes are supportedin these two tabs.

    • Compatible Theme (built-in) allows you to normally use templates with older versions in FineReport 11.0.

    • You can create themes, which can be modified and deleted. However, built-in themes cannot be modified or deleted.

    • You can set Template Background, Cell Style, and Chart Style in Detail Customization of Template Theme Management. Besides the above items, you can also set Component Style for Dashboard.

    Template Theme Selection

    When you create a template in FineReport 11.0, the theme (for which the Apply to Created Template function is set) is used by default. The theme name of the current template is displayed on the toolbar above the report. Click the theme name to go to the Template Theme selection page (corresponding to the current template type).

    If you open a template (with an older version) in FineReport 11.0, Compatible Theme will be selected by default.

    • A check mark icon exists in the top right corner of the selected theme. Click another theme for switchover.

    • Click Template Theme Management in the bottom left corner to go to the theme management interface.


    Template Theme Management

    Function Entrance

    You can go to the Template Theme Management page in two ways.

    • Click Template Theme Management in the bottom left corner of the theme selection page. For details, see section "Template Theme Selection."

    • Alternatively, choose Server (on the menu bar) > Template Theme Management, as shown in the following figure.


    Theme Management

    You can add, edit, and delete all themes on the server in the Template Theme Management page.



    Report Type Switchover

    Since some differences exist between the themes of General/Aggregation Report and those of Dashboard, the themes of these reports need to be managed separately. Multiple themes have been built into both reports.


    You can click the + icon in the top left corner and select Create Light Theme or Create Dark Theme.

    Note: The difference between the light theme and dark theme is distinguished only when you create a theme by selecting Create Light Theme or Create Dark Theme. You can use dark color schemes in the light theme.


    After selecting the created theme, click the deletion icon in the upper left corner to delete the selected theme. Note: Built-in themes cannot be deleted.


    You can click the  icon in the bottom right corner of the theme to go to the theme style edit page. Note: Built-in themes can only be saved as, and cannot be directly modified.

    Apply to Created Template

    After selecting the theme, you can click Apply to Created Template in the upper right corner to set the theme to the default one (that will be used when you create a template). The  icon will appear on the theme for which the Apply to Created Template function is set.

    Template Theme Setting

    The theme edit page includes four areas: Full Preview, Theme Name, Theme Color, and Detail Customization. The preview area can display the setting effect in real time.


    Theme Name

    1. When you edit the existing theme, Theme Name is grayed out and cannot be edited. You can edit other settings.

    If you have edited other settings of a built-in theme, you need to click Save As in the lower right corner to save the edited theme as a new theme.

    After you have edited other settings of a theme created by yourself, you can directly click Save if you do not need to rename the theme. If you need to rename the theme, you can only click Save As.


    2. When you create a theme, you can edit its name. The names of themes in the same report type must be different, while the names of themes in different report types can be the same.

    For example, create a theme in Dashboard and name the theme Classic Sedate. In this case, a prompt displaying "The name already exists" will appear. You cannot save the theme because there is a built-in theme also named Classic Sedate.


    However, if you create a theme and name the theme Classic Sedate in General/Aggregation Report, you can save the created theme.


    Theme Color

    Theme Color includes Color Edit. You can click the color block to edit the theme color. Black, white, and other eight colors are included in Theme Color by default. Each theme color includes four corresponding derivative colors.

    You can click the color picker in Recently Used or click More Colors to set other colors.


    Detail Customization

    Template Background

    Template Background in General/Aggregation Report can also be set in Report Background in Template. Template Background in Dashboard can also be set in Background Setting in Advanced of Attribute.

    Cell Style

    1. Seven built-in cell styles exist in the theme. You can select a style as needed under Cell Attribute > Style after selecting a cell during the report design, as shown in the following figure.


    2. You can preview the cell effect in real time on the right preview page when setting the cell style in Detail Customization. The setting effect is also immediately displayed in the left overall preview area, each of which exists text prompts, as shown in the following figure.


    3. You can click the + icon to add a style. You can double-click the style name to modify it. After modifying the style name of a built-in theme, you need to save the theme as a new one, as shown in the following figure.

    You cannot delete built-in styles or modify the style name.


    4. You can set Font in Text after selecting the needed style, as shown in the following figure.


    5. You can set Style, Color, Outside Border, and Inside Border of Border and Background in Cell, as shown in the following figure.


    6. You can set Horizontal Alignment, Vertical Alignment, Image Layout, Text Style, Text Orientation, Indentation, Paragraph Spacing, and Line Spacing in Alignment, as shown in the following figure.


    Chart Style

    You can set the chart style to Series, Legend, Label, Axis, Data Table, and Title/Background in the theme management. You can set more chart styles under Cell Attribute > Style.




    Allows you to only set Color Scheme.

    • If you set Color Scheme to Combination Color, the color of Series is displayed in order based on Theme Color.

    • If you set Color Scheme to Gradient Color, the left and right cursors of the gradient color are set to the first two colors in Theme Color by default.

    The gradient color of Series in the theme management determines the gradient of the color scheme, which is different from the gradient style in the chart style. For details, see Chart Series.


    Allows you to set the font, size, and color of Legend Text.


    Allows you to set Style Setting to Auto (default setting) or Custom (allowing you to set the font, size, and color of Label Text).


    Allows you to set Axis Title Text, Axis Label Text, and Axis Line Color.

    Data Table

    Allows you to set Data Table Text and Color.


    Allows you to set Title Text, Chart Area Background, and Grid Line Color.

    In addition, charts in Dashboard generally use Title in Component Style. Therefore, a prompt displaying "FRM chart titles are hidden by default and component titles are used during preview" appears. This prompt does not exist in General/Aggregation Report.

    Component Style

    Component Style (including Title, Body, and Outer) is only supported in Dashboard.

    The setting only applies to report blocks and chart blocks. The setting is ineffective for tab blocks and absolute canvas blocks.




    Allows you to set Character, Title Icon, Position, and Title Background.


    Allows you to set Body Background.


    Allows you to set Render, Border, Color, Rounded Corner, and Padding.


    Deleted or Missing Self-Built Theme

    1. If you delete a theme created by yourself and the theme has been applied to the current template, the template theme will be set to the default built-in theme based on the color system (light or dark) of the deleted theme. In General/Aggregation Report, the default light theme is Classic Light Grey and the default dark theme is Business Sedate. In Dashboard, the default light theme is Classic Sedate and the default dark theme is Wisdom Data. In addition, Style Setting (that is previously set to Theme) will be set to Custom. The color scheme will be set to the theme color of the default built-in theme.

    2. If the theme of the current template is missing, the theme change logic is the same as above.

    Attachment List

    Theme: Designer and Upgrade
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