Font Management Plugin

  • Last update:September 28, 2023
  • Overview


    Report Server Version

    Font Management Plugin Version

    Functional Change






    1. The plugin is built-in and pre-installed in FineReport by default.

    2. Functions under Template > Export Attributes > Common > Special Character Export Optimization of the designer are merged into Exportable Font > Alternate Font of the Font Management plugin.

    3. You can manually add fonts required for template export and preview, and enable alternative fonts in situations such as font missing and inability to display rare characters properly.

    Application Scenarios

    Servers, especially Linux servers, often lack some fonts, causing garbled characters and slash loss to previewed templates or exported templates.

    Installing fonts on the server using statements is complicated. A Font Management plugin is added to reduce the difficulty of installing fonts on the server.

    Plugin Installation

    Installing a Plugin

    The plugin is built in FineReport V11.0.20 and later versions.

    Click to download the plugin: Font Management Plugin.

    For details about how to install plugins in the designer, see Designer Plugin Management.

    For details about how to install plugins on the server, see Server Plugin Management.

    Effect Display

    Log in to the decision-making system as the admin, choose System Management > Font Management, and add and manage fonts required for template export and preview.


    1. The Font Management plugin only applies to general reports and not to dashboards or FVS reports.

    2. Fonts installed through the Font Management plugin only take effect on the current project and not on other projects/apps on Linux/Windows servers.


    Exporting Supported Font


    If you export templates where the font A is used, the system checks and executes the following conditions in order.

    Check Content

    Effect Display

    Whether font A is installed on the project-located server.

    If so, templates are exported in font A.

    If not, the system proceeds to the next judgment condition.

    Whether font A is included in the Installed Font under Font Management > Exportable Font.

    If so, templates are exported in font A.

    If not, the system proceeds to the next judgment condition.

    Whether alternate fonts are enabled under Font Management > Exportable Font.

    If so, a prompt appears when you export templates, indicating that font A is missing and the first alternate font is used for export.

    If not, a prompt appears when you export templates, indicating that font A is missing and there may be bugs in the exported content.

    Installed Font

    Log in to the decision-making platform as the admin and choose System Management > Font Management > Exportable Font.

    All fonts (from either System Font Library or Manual Installation by User) supported by the project are displayed in Installed Font.

    1. System Font Library

    Fonts from System Font Library include those installed on the project-located server, which are automatically read and displayed in the list.


    2. Manual Installation by User





    Prepare resources

    You need to prepare local font files first. FineReport does not provide relevant resources.

    Only font files (less than 50 MB) in .otf, .ttf, and .ttc formats are supported.


    Add fonts

    Click Add Font under System Management > Font Management > Exportable Font, select prepared font files, and upload them to the project.


    Effect description

    After successful upload, the font immediately appears under Exportable Font > Installed Font. You do not need to restart the project.

    Font files are uploaded to the assets/fonts folder of the project.

    These fonts only take effect on this project. They do not take effect on other projects/apps on the server.

    For font files (such as those in .otf, .ttf, and .ttc formats and less than 50 MB) added under Previewable Font Online Font, they are also added to Exportable Font > Installed Font.


    Alternate Font

    Log in to the decision-making platform as the admin and choose System Management > Font Management > Exportable Font.

    The Enable Alternate Font function is enabled by default in Alternate Font.

    1. The built-in font Noto Sans CJK SC is provided by default as an alternate font.

    2. You can add the installed fonts in section "Installed Fonts" as alternate fonts.

    3. Up to five alternate fonts are supported. You can manually adjust their orders by dragging.

    4. You can manually delete added alternate fonts, except the built-in font Noto Sans CJK SC.

    5. Before FineReport V11.0.19, this function is provided by Special Character Export Optimization under Template > Export Attributes > Common.


    Previewable Font


    If you preview templates where the font A is used, the system checks and executes the following conditions in order.

    Check Content

    Effect Display

    Whether font A is installed on the computer used for preview.

    If so, templates are previewed in font A.

    If not, the system proceeds to the next judgment condition.

    Whether font A is included under Font Management > Previewable Font > Online Font.

    If so, templates are previewed in font A.

    If not, the system proceeds to the next judgment condition.

    Whether alternate fonts are enabled under Font Management > Previewable Font.

    If existing alternate fonts are enabled, a prompt appears when you preview templates, indicating that font A is missing and the first alternate font is used for preview.

    If alternate fonts are enabled but there is no alternate font, a prompt appears when you preview templates, indicating that font A is missing and there may be bugs in the preview content.

    If alternate fonts are not enabled, a prompt appears when you preview templates, indicating that font A is missing and there may be bugs in the preview content.

    Online Font

    You can download and install online fonts to the server, which is convenient for you to call when previewing templates.





    Prepare resources

    You need to prepare a download link of an online font first. FineReport does not provide related resources.

    Only font files (less than 50 MB) in .otf, .ttf, and .ttc formats are supported.


    Add fonts

    Click Add Font under System Management > Font Management > Previewable Font > Online Font, enter the online font link, and click OK.


    Effect description

    Font files are downloaded to the assets/fonts folder of the project.

    The font immediately appears under Previewable Font > Installed Font. You do not need to restart the project.

    These fonts only take effect on this project. They do not take effect on other projects/apps on the server.

    Font files (such as in otf, ttf, and ttc formats and less than 50 MB) added under Exportable Font > Installed Font are also added to Previewable Font > Online Font.


    Alternate Font

    Log in to the decision-making platform as the admin and choose System Management > Font Management > Previewable Font.

    The Enable Alternate Font function is enabled by default in Alternate Font.

    1. You can add the installed fonts in section "Online Font" as alternate fonts.

    2. Up to five alternate fonts are supported. You can manually adjust their orders by dragging.

    3. You can manually delete added alternate fonts.


    Error Code

    The following table includes the error codes and their meanings related to the Font Management function.

    Error Code



    Failed to upload the file due to its large size.


    Failed to upload the file because the binary header verification failed.


    Failed to upload the file because the file already exists in the directory.


    Failed to parse the file. Check the file type.

    Attachment List

    Theme: Deployment and Integration
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