

Dashboard Data Source

  • Last update:  2020-12-29
  • I. Overview

    The design idea of the dashboard is to add components to the report canvas. Generally, components can only be displayed and used after binding data, especially report blocks, chart blocks, and controls.

    So where does the data for the dashboard come from?

    The decision report data source is similar to the chart data source, which can be divided into Dataset Data and Cell Data. The Dataset Data comes from the dataset, and the Cell Data comes from the cells in the report block.

    II. Dataset Data

    Dataset data source refers to directly fetching data from the dataset and displaying it in the component. The dataset construction method is the same as that of ordinary reports. You can refer to Dataset.

    The data binding method of the component is also the same as that in the ordinary report. As shown in the figure below, after creating the new dataset ds1, the data is bound to chart0.


    III. Cell Data

    Cell data source refers to the data obtained from the cell for component display. In the decision report, the cell specifically refers to the cell in the report block.

    The format of the cell data in the quoted report block is: report name~cell name If you quote the data of cell A2 in report0, you can input report0~A2. Let's take the chart block as an example to explain how to reference the cell data source.

    1) Create a new decision report, create a new dataset ds1, the sql statement is:

    SELECT * FROM Sales_Volume WHERE Region = 'East China'

    as shown in the following figure:


    2) Add the report block report0 and column chart chart0 in the body, as shown in the following figure:


    3) Select the report block report0, click [Edit] to enter the report0 editing interface, and design the table content as shown in the figure below.


    4) Select the column chart chart0, click [Edit] and enter the chart0 editing interface to bind data to chart0. As shown below:

    Input the formula report0~B3 in the category name, which means that the category name data comes from cell B3 in the report block report0, and the column chart is classified by salesperson.

    Input the formula report0~D3 in the series name, indicating that the category name data comes from cell D3 in the report block report0, and the column chart uses the product as the series.

    Input the formula report0~E3 at the value, indicating that the column chart data value comes from the E3 cell in the report block report0, which is the sales data.


    5) Modify the title of the column chart, as shown in the figure below:


    6) Save the template, click [Dashboard Preview], the effect is shown in the figure below:

    The left side is the sales detail table, the right column chart shows the sales volume of the salesperson, and the right chart data comes from the left report block cell.


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