Report LogDB

  • Last update:December 21, 2020
  • I. Overview

    1) The log feature enabled on the platform is designed to enhance control over report projects and help to monitor running status.

    2) LogDB is a built-in database, aiming to store log files after enabling the log feature.

    Note: Platform log settings are applicable to system logs only. Operational logs are not affected.

    II. Connect to and Use LogDB

    1. Connect to LogDB

    1) Click Server -> Define Data Connection to add a JDBC connection and rename it to "logdb".

    2) The settings are as follows:

    • Select Others for Database

    • For Driver, enter ""

    • For URL, enter "jdbc:swift:emb://default"

    • For Username and Password, leave them blank

    Note: It is essential to enforce control over data connections after adding the connection to the LogDB, otherwise the configurations stored in the database are exposed to the risks of unauthorized access and tampering.

    2. View Data Table

    Add a DB query with the defined data connection "logdb" to list out all the data tables in the database.

    3. Query Statement

    Please see below for statements supported by LogDB for the time being:

    1) SELECT


    select * from fine_record_execute
    select tname, displayName, consume from fine_record_execute

    2) GROUP BY

    SUM, COUNT, MAX, MIN and AVERAGE are supported with COUNT as the default method.


    select sum(consume) from fine_record_execute group by tname, displayName
    select consume from fine_record_execute group by tname, displayName
    select min(consume), max(consume) from fine_record_execute group by tname, displayName

    3) WHERE

    Simple WHERE statements, including AND, OR, =, <>, >, >=, <, <=, in and isnull are supported 


    select * from fine_record_execute where consume > 10
    select sum(consume) from fine_record_execute where consume > 10 and consume < 100 group by tname, displayName
    select consume from fine_record_execute where tname = `GettingStartedEN.cpt`
    select sum(consume) from fine_record_execute where tname in (`GettingStartedEN.cpt`, `demoEN/WorkBook1.cpt`) group by tname, displayName

    4) TODATE() 

    for Converting Timestamp to Regular Dates

    The format of returned value of TODATE() is "2018-12-18 10:15:26"


    select todate(time) from fine_record_execute
    select * from fine_record_execute where todate(time)<'2018-12-18 10:15:26' and todate(time)>'2018-12-17 10:15:26'

    Note: It is supported on JARs released on and after 20th May, 2019.

    5) LIKE

    Only supports using "%keyword%"


    • NOT LIKE is not supported.

    • Only '%' is supported for now. Wildcard character '_' needs JARs released on and after 20th May, 2019.


    select * from fine_record_execute where tname like '%demo%'

    Attachment List

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