FVS Component Interaction Attribute

  • Last update:December 05, 2024
  • Overview

    This document is applicable to users who have installed the FineVis Data Visualization plugin to learn plugin functions.


    Report Server VersionPlugin VersionFunctional Change



    For details, see FVS Component Interaction Attribute.



    Set the entry for the 3D component Interaction Event to the Data Layer in 3D Scene Components.



    For details about optimizing the interaction click event page, see section “Function Description.”

    Function Description

    This document briefly introduces the relevant knowledge of component interaction in FVS.

    Function Description

    Function Entry

    Select Component on the page, and click Interaction in the configuration bar to set the relevant interaction properties of the component: Interaction Event, Carousel Setting, and Monitoring Refresh. Different types of components support different events.

    image 1.png

    Supported Range

    The supported interaction properties that can be configured vary with the types of components.

    1. Chart Component and Widge Component

    ComponentClickAfter InitializationEdit End
    Text Box, Date Time, Dropdown Box, Button Group, Dropdown Tree, View TreeNoYesYes
    FVS Table ComponentNoYesNo

    2. Other Components



    Carousel Setting

    Monitoring Refresh

    Scene Map




    Fancy Tree (Electronic), and Fancy Tree (Model)



    The carousel cannot be   stopped.


    3D City Scene, Custom   3D Scene, and Title Components

    Column Chart, Stacked   Column Chart, Stacked Percentage Column Chart, Custom Column Chart, and   Special Column Chart

    Bar Chart, Stacked Bar   Chart, Stacked Percentage Bar Chart, and Custom Bar Chart

    Pie chart, Rose Chart   (Equal Arcs), Rose Chart (Unequal Arcs), and Nested Pie Chart

    Line Chart, Stacked   Line Chart, and Custom Line Chart

    Area Chart, Stacked   Area Chart, Stacked Percentage Area Chart, and Custom Area Chart

    Radar Chart and   Stacked Radar Chart

    Speedometer Gauge   (360) and Speedometer Gauge (180)

    Circular Gauge,   Angular Gauge, and Linear Gauge

    Area Map, Point Map,   Flow Map, Combination Map, and Heat Map

    Area Drill-down Map,   Point Drill-down Map, and Custom Drill-down Map

    3D Column on Globe and   3D Point on Globe

    Scatter Chart and   Bubble Chart.

    Rectangular Tree, Word   Cloud, Mechanical Bubble Chart, and Funnel Chart

    Column - Line Chart,   Column - Area Chart, Stacked Column - Line Chart, and Custom Combination   Chart

    Gantt Chart, Vertical   Tree, Horizontal Tree, Radio Tree, and Boxplot




    Image Component and Query Widget




    Carousel Pie Chart, Carousel Luminous Gauge, Liquid-Fill Chart, and Pixel Chart

    Carousel KPI Card (Flashing), Carousel KPI Card (Electronic), and Carousel Catalog Gear

    Carousel 3D Combination Map and Carousel GIS Point Map



    The carousel cannot be   stopped.


    Carousel Bar Chart


    Supported partially






    Arc Column Chart, Particle Counter, and 3D Flow on Globe

    Rich Text Component and Iframe Component




    Time Gear, Local Video, and Surveillance Video Components




    Function Detail

    Interaction Event

    Different types of components support different interaction events. Interaction events are divided into three types: After Initialization, Edit End, and Click.

    Note: The configuration method for interaction events has been changed to event configuration and action configuration in the event in V2.10.0 and later versions.

    After Initialization

    The After Initialization event is a new event type added to the plugin of version 1.5.0, and can only be added to Chart and Widget.

    Select the component, choose Interaction > Interaction Event > Add Event > After Initialization, and you can add JavaScript execution on the pop-up page.

    Note: Only one After Initialization event is supported, and multiple JavaScript executions can be added under the same initialization event.

     image 4.png

    Edit End

    The Edit End event is a new event type added to the plugin of V1.5.0, and can only be added to widgets.

    Select the component, choose Interaction > Interaction Event > Add Event > Edit End, and you can add JavaScript executions on the pop-up page.

    Note: Only one Edit End event can be added, and multiple JavaScript executions can be added in the same Edit End event.

    image 7.png 


    Select the component, choose Interaction > Interaction Event > Add Event > Click, and add an execution on the pop-up page.

    Component Linkage, URL/Pop-up Box, JavaScript, Page Jump, Show/Hide, 3D Roaming Animation, 3D Model Animation, or Custom 3D Viewing Angle can be added in the event.

     image 10.png

    The following table shows the notes for Click.



    If mltiple layers of data exist in a component such as Scene Map, Combination Map, Area Drill-down Map, Point Drill-down Map, and Custom Drill-down Map, you can add   different types of events to different objects respectively.

    For example, you can add events in Graphic or Drill-down Directory for a drill-down map, as shown in the following fugure.

    image 11.png


    • Multiple click events can be added.

    • Multiple executions can be added in a event.

    Note: Multiple executions of the same type can be added in V1.16.0 and later versions.
    In versions earlier than V1.16.0, you can add multiple   executions of the same type in Component   Linkage, JavaScript, and 3D Component Animation.

    image 12.png
    • You can hover the mouse behind the event name to Rename, Copy, and Delete the event.

    • You can hover the mouse behind the execution name to Edit, Copy, and Delete the event.

    image 15.png
    • The action name for the click event cannot be empty.

    • The duplicate name verification is newly added in the Interaction Event list of the current component. If a duplicate name exists, a prompt will be displayed, indicating that "Action Name already exists and cannot be repeated." The action name cannot be saved.

    Note: Duplicate names are not supported between diferent events or between different executions in the same event.

    image 18.png

    When adding multiple events to a component, you need to select a triggering event.

    Note: In versions earlier than V2.10.0, you need to select the three event types of URL, Pop-up Box, and Page Jump for triggering. Other events can be triggered directly without being selected.

    image 24.png

    When multiple executions are added in the same event, multiple executions are triggered simultaneously.


    Carousel Setting

    Select the component, choose Interaction > Carousel Setting. Custom Interval is supported, with a default value of 6000 ms.

     image 20.png

    Monitoring Refresh

    Select the component, choose Interaction > Monitoring Refresh to refresh the component according to the time you set.

    Enable Monitoring Refresh is not selected by default. When you select it, you can customize Refresh Interval, whose default value is 6 s, as shown in the following figure.

     image 21.png

    Summary of Interaction Examples

    The following table shows all interaction properties supported by FVS.

    Interaction Property




    Component Linkage

    After Component Linkage is added, parameters can be passed to the template component to achieve more data   display effects.

    FVS Click to Link Components

    URL/Pop-up Box

    By adding URL/Pop-up Box, you can trigger the opening of the URL or pop-up box of the corresponding element, achieving rich   personalized content.

    FVS Jumping to Web Links/Pop-up Box Events

    FVS Clicking 3D Component to Trigger Popup Box


    Laboratory Function

    After adding the JavaScript script, you can executed the script to achieve rich personalized effects.

    JS Event Supported by FVS

    Page Jump

    After adding Page Jump, you can jump to the target page.

    FVS Click to Switch Page


    After adding a Show/Hide event, you can show or hide target objects.

    FVS Click to Show/Hide Components

    3D Roaming Animation

    After setting the roaming path for the 3D city components and custom model components, you can set the roaming animation effect.

    Roaming Animation in 3D Scenes

    3D Model Animation

    Adding a 3D component animation can trigger the corresponding animation effect of the 3D City component.

    Model Animation in 3D Scenes

    Model Animation in 3D Scenes

    Carousel Setting

    Component Linkage

    After enabling Automatic Carousel, you can add Component Linkage to pass parameters to template components according to the carousel effect, achieving more data display effects.


    3D Model Animation

    After enabling Automatic Crousel, you can add 3D City Animation to trigger the corresponding animation effects of the 3D city component.



    Laboratory Function

    After enabling Automatic Carousel, you can add JavaScript scripts to execute the set   scripts and achieve rich personalized effects.

    JS Event Supported by FVS

    Monitoring Refresh


    Regularly refresh according to the set time.


    After Initialization   Event (added in V1.5.0)

    You can set After Initialization JavaScript event of Chart/Widget

    JS Event Supported by FVS

    Load End Event (added   in V1.5.0)

    Can set the JavaScript event when the widget is loaded.

    JS Event Supported by FVS


    Attachment List

    Theme: FineVis Data Visualization
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