Types and Differences of Parameters

  • Last update:  2021-02-24
  • I. Description

    Parameters are divided into two types: template parameters and dataset parameters.

    II. Template parameters

    1. template parameters

    Template parameters refer to the parameters created under the current template. They are defined in template > template parameters in the designer menu bar. Only the current report can use this parameter to design the report, and the data must be filtered in combination with the filtering conditions. Please check the Template Parameters for details.

    2. global parameters

    Global parameters are created under the current report project. They are defined in designer menu bar server > global parameters. The definition method is the same as template parameters. All reports under the current report project can use this parameter to design reports. It must be combined with filtering conditions to filter data. Please check the Global Parameters for details.

    Note 1: all defined global parameters are saved in finedb_ conf_ In the entity table, if the global parameter has the same name as the template parameter, the template parameter is adopted by default.

    Note 2: both template parameters and global parameters belong to the category of template parameters. The method of using global parameters is the same as template parameters. The difference between them is only the scope of use.

    III. Data set parameters

    When creating a new data set, define the data set parameters in the SQL query statement, and complete the data filtering operation directly in the data query. Dataset parameters can be divided into template data set parameters and server data set parameters according to different application scope.

    1. template dataset parameters

    It is defined in designer dataset management panel template dataset > database query. Only the current report can be used. Please check the Dataset Parameters for details.

    2. server dataset parameters

    It is defined in designer menu bar server > server dataset > database query. The definition method is the same as template data set parameters. All reports under the current report project can be used.

    Note: all defined server data set parameters are saved in finedb_ conf_ In entity table, if the name of server data set parameter is the same as that of report data set parameter, report data set parameter will be used by default

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