Global and Template Parameter

  • Last update:June 14, 2023
  • I. Overview

    1) Parameter is a type of variable and the value is determined by users. The values of parameters are used to filter report data (if used with filters). In FineReport, you can bind a parameter with a widget on the parameter pane. In this way, during the preview, report users can utilize the widgets to define parameter values and filter data; and this process is called parameter query.

    2) Global parameter: It can be used by all templates in the same report project.

    3) Template parameter: It can only be used by current template. If multiple templates have parameters with the same name , the parameter values will not affect each other.

    4) In a template, if there exists a template parameter that shares the same name with a global parameter, the system only recognizes the template parameter.

    You will learn
    • Define Global Parameters

    • Define Template Parameters

    II. Define global parameters

    1. Click [Server] > [Global Parameters]

    2. Click [+] to add a global parameter, with the default name [p1]

    The default type is [String].

    3. Double click [p1] to modify the name to area

    4. Set the default value to East China and click [OK]

    5. Click the pen icon to edit the parameter pane

    6. A hint appears at the upper right corner, stating that the parameter [area] has not been bound with widgets on the parameter pane

    7. Create a new normal report

    1) Click the pen icon to edit the parameter pane.

    2) A hint also appears at the upper right corner, stating that the parameter [area] has not been bound with widgets on the parameter pane. In other words, two template files can share [area].

    8. Click the pen icon to edit the report area

    9. Click B2 and insert a formula

    1) Find Global Parameters in the list of Variables and double click $area. Click [OK].

    2) Preview to view the value of [area].

    III. Define template parameters

    1. Click [Template] > [Template Parameter]

    2. Click [+] to add a global parameter, with the default name [p1]

    The default type is [String].

    3. Double click [p1] to modify the name to area

    4. Set the default value to North China and click [OK]

    5. Click the pen icon to edit the parameter pane

    6. A hint appears at the upper right corner, stating that the parameter [area] has not been bound with widgets on the parameter pane

    7. Click the pen icon to edit the report area

    8. Click B2 and insert a formula.

    1) Find Template Parameter in the list of Variables and double click $area. Click [OK].

    2) Preview to view the value of [area].

    3) If a template parameter and a global parameter share the name, then the template parameter overrides the global parameter.

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