Chart Prompt

  • Last update:March 05, 2025
  • Overview


    Report Server Version

    Application Scenario

    When you hover the cursor over a series or category in a chart, the series or category becomes selected, and a tooltip appears accordingly. The following figure shows the effect.


    Function Description

    Use Tooltip is ticked by default in Prompt. Four setting items are available, including Content, Border, Background, and Display Strategy, as shown in the following figure.

    The setting items may be different in different charts.

    Function Introduction


    You can set the text content of prompts in three ways as follows:

    Common: You can select one or more parameters and modify Format. After selection, the corresponding data of the selected parameter(s) will be displayed in the prompt(s).

    Rich Text: You can add fields, set the field format, enter prompt content, and set the text format in the rich text editor. For details, see Custom Label or Prompt by the Rich Text.

    Custom: When general styles cannot meet your needs, you can customize the content and style of prompts by writing JavaScript or HTML codes.

    In addition, when you select Common or Custom for Content, you can customize the font style which is set to Auto by default. However, if font styles are specified in custom codes, the styles in the codes will take precedence, as shown in the following figure.


    You can set the border of the prompt. (No border is set by default.) The setting items are as follows:

    Line Style: You can select the line style for the prompt border. (Line Style is set to None by default.)

    Color: You can set the color for the prompt border.

    Rounded Corner: You can set the rounded corner radius of the four corners of the prompt border. (The rounded corder radius is set to 2px by default.)


    You can set the background for the prompt. The setting items are as follows.

    Fill: You can select No Background, Color, or Gradient Color from the drop-down list.

    Opacity: You can set the opacity effect of the background.

    Shadow: You can enable/disable the shadow effect for the prompt background.

    Display Strategy

    Two setting items are available in Display Strategy, as shown in the following figure.

    Prompt Box

    When Prompt Box is set to Not Follow Cursor by default, the tooltip box appears in the upper right corner of the column (with the top of the tooltip box aligned with the top of the column) and remains in a fixed position.

    If you select Follow Cursor, the position of the tooltip is not fixed and will move with the cursor, as shown in the following figure.


    Displaying All Series

    If you select Common for the prompt content and tick Display All Series, the prompt will display the content of all series under a single category, as shown in the following figure.


    1. If you select Rich Text or Custom, the Display All Series setting item will not take effect after being ticked and the prompt will only display the first series.

    2. The Display All Series setting item is not available in pie charts, scatter charts, bubble charts, funnel charts, word clouds, Gantt charts, structure charts, and box plots.

    Display Effect on Mobile Terminals

    Display Style of Tooltips on Mobile Terminals

    The Border/Background style setting for chart prompts has different effects on mobile terminals.

    In general reports, the Border/Background style setting takes effect.

    In FVS visualization dashboards/dashboards, the setting will take effect for charts within the canvas/body and for cell charts within tables.

    Displaying All Series on Mobile Terminals

    The Display All Series setting under Prompt > Display Strategy has different display effects for different report types.

    In general reports/dashboards, whether Display All Series is ticked or not, all series are displayed by default on mobile terminals.

    In FVS visualization dashboards, the setting method on the mobile terminals is the same as that on the PC. You need to tick Display All Series to display all series.


    Attachment List

    Theme: Chart
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