Chart Custom Function

  • Last update:December 30, 2021
  • I. Overview

    The chart supports comprehensive customization, allowing users to make more annotated charts on the basic chart.

    Coordinate axis, labels, and cue points can all be customized. In the custom function, this refers to the current data point object. The description of common attributes is shown in the following table:

    1. Single series object attributes

    All data points of the current series
    this.nameStringThe name of the current series, consistent with the series name shown in the legend

    The chart types of the current series, the types currently included are as shown in the figure below:


    2. Single data point object attributes

    this.categoryStringFor the axis chart, it indicates the name of the category where the data point is located
    this.seriesNameStringThe name of the series where the current data point is located
    this.nameStringFor the map, name represents the area name of the current data point, such as Jiangsu Province, Nantong City, etc.

    For the axis chart, it indicates the value corresponding to the data point on the value axis

    Note: The value of the scatter chart corresponds to the value of the "value" field

    this.percentageNumberIndicates the percentage of the current data point

    Indicates the target value of the gauge (not including the pointer gauge)

    Note: in the designer before version 10.0.16 represents the target value, but is not an official interface, so use it with caution.


    For a chart with coordinate axis, this parameter represents all the points in the category where the current data point is located

    For the area map, this parameter represents a different series of points in the same area

    It is not recommended to use this attribute for other chart types

    this.series ObjectThe series of the current data point
    this.processes[this.processes.length - 1].nameObjectFor Gantt chart, the name of the project where the current data point is located
    this.startTime ObjectFor the Gantt chart, the start time of the current data point
    this.finishTime Object For Gantt chart, the end time of the current data point
    this.duration ObjectFor Gantt chart, the duration of the current data point
    this.progress Number For the Gantt chart, the progress of the current data point
    this.parent Object For a multi-layer pie chart, parent represents the data object of the parent node

    Note: Due to browser compatibility issues, the HTML content written here during customization needs to be modified according to the actual browser, such as the lower version of IE browser.

    Attachment List

    Theme: Chart
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