DEF Function Applications

"DEF Function Applications" 分类下的文档该分类下有12篇文档创建该分类下的文档
DEF Function Application Collection
文档创建者:Lily.Wang      创建时间:11-04 17:12      标签:      编辑:7次    |   浏览:908次

摘要:OverviewThis document lists some common analysis scenarios for DEF-type functions.IndexTypeDocumentEn[阅读全文:]

Displaying the Sales of the Previous Three Months
文档创建者:April陶      创建时间:03-04 16:13      标签:      编辑:15次    |   浏览:694次

摘要:OverviewBackgroundYou may need to calculate the data for a certain period, such as the sales of the p[阅读全文:]

Sales Gap Analysis
文档创建者:01KilgRU      创建时间:12-29 14:42      标签:      编辑:3次    |   浏览:332次

摘要:OverviewBackgroundThis document introduces how to compare the sales volume of the chosen category wit[阅读全文:]

YOY Ratio of Accumulated Sales as of Each Month
文档创建者:Julia.Hu-胡佳涵      创建时间:04-11 15:38      标签:      编辑:7次    |   浏览:540次

摘要:OverviewBackgroundThe accumulated sales as of each month every year can be calculated through the qui[阅读全文:]

Cross-Row Calculation of Growth Rate
文档创建者:Julia.Hu-胡佳涵      创建时间:04-14 11:05      标签:      编辑:8次    |   浏览:534次

摘要:OverviewBackgroundThis article introduces how to calculate the sales growth rate of one year compared[阅读全文:]

Cohort Analysis
文档创建者:Julia.Hu-胡佳涵      创建时间:04-14 10:21      标签:      编辑:5次    |   浏览:553次

摘要:OverviewBackgroundCohort analysis groups users by their shared purchase characteristics. For example,[阅读全文:]

Detailed Analysis of Goal Completion
文档创建者:Lily.Wang      创建时间:11-10 10:54      标签:      编辑:10次    |   浏览:555次

摘要:OverviewBackgroundIt is easy to calculate whether each state hit the profit goal, but such a general[阅读全文:]

Consumption Cycle
文档创建者:Julia.Hu-胡佳涵      创建时间:04-14 14:49      标签:      编辑:3次    |   浏览:484次

摘要:OverviewBackgroundTo know how many users consume once a month, every two months, every three months,[阅读全文:]

Displaying the Top N Dynamically
文档创建者:Jenny.Tang      创建时间:06-19 15:10      标签:      编辑:25次    |   浏览:12424次

摘要:OverviewEffectAfter ranking the sales volume, you can filter out the top 30% of stores by sales volum[阅读全文:]

Purchase Frequency Analysis
文档创建者:Haley      创建时间:04-14 11:55      标签:      编辑:0次    |   浏览:598次

摘要:OverviewBackgroundIt is easy to calculate the purchase frequency of each client with an order detail[阅读全文:]

Comparison of Business Performance in Different Regions
文档创建者:Penny.Kong-孔蓬琳      创建时间:04-13 16:26      标签:      编辑:1次    |   浏览:597次

摘要:OverviewBackgroundYou may need to compare the business performance of stores in different regions bas[阅读全文:]

Monthly Profit Days Statistics
文档创建者:Penny.Kong-孔蓬琳      创建时间:04-11 16:09      标签:      编辑:2次    |   浏览:563次

摘要:OverviewBackgroundIn addition to viewing the trend of profit changes over time easily, you may want t[阅读全文:]