It is easy to calculate whether each state hit the profit goal, but such a general analysis lacks details.
For example, what contributes to the goal hitting? Is it attributed to most products or certain star products?
Thus, to reveal the actual sales of low-performance products and pursue improvement, it is necessary to dig deeper into the business details.
Calculate the proportion of products hitting the goal in each state. As you can see in the following figure, Illinois's success in hitting the profit goal is attributed to most products.
Click the state bar on the left to view the gap between profit and goal of each product in the selected state.
For online preview, see Detailed Analysis of Business Goal Completion. You can click Save as subject to make this chart by yourself or view the editing steps.
Sample data: Business Goal Table.xlsx
Create a subject and upload the sample data, as shown in the following figure.
To calculate the proportion of products hitting the goal in each state, you can set State as the dimension and Proportion as the indicator.
Proportion = number of products hitting the goal / total product number.
Calculating the Number of Products Hitting the Goal
1. Add a calculation indicator to calculate the gap between the profit and the goal, as shown in the following figure.
SUM-AGG (Profit)
Sums up profits.
DEF(SUM-AGG(Profit), [State, Product])
Sum up the profits of different products in different states.
SUM-AGG (Profit Goal)
Sum up profit goals.
DEF(SUM_AGG(Profit Goal), [State, Product])
Sum up the profit goals of different products in different states.
DEF(SUM_AGG(Profit), [State, Product])-DEF(SUM_AGG(Profit Goal), [State, Product])
Calculate the gap between the profit and the goal of different products in each state.
2. Add a calculation indicator to calculate the number of products hitting the goal in each state, as shown in the following figure.
Perform a distinct count on products to calculate the total number of products.
DEF(COUNTD_AGG(Product), [State], Gap Between Profit and Goal>0)
Perform a distinct count on the products whose profits exceed goals to calculate the number of products hitting the goal.
Calculating the Number of Products in Each State
Delete the filter condition [Gap Between Profit and Goal>0] in the formula introduced in the previous step, then you can get the total number of products hitting the goal.
Calculating Proportion
In previous steps, you have calculated the number of products hitting the goal and the total product number in each state. Then you can get the proportion through the formula: Proportion = number of products hitting the goal / total product number.
Add a calculation indicator and enter the formula SUM_AGG(Number of Products Hitting the Goal)/SUM_AGG(Total Product Number), as shown in the following figure.
Creating a Component
Set the chart type as Partitioned Column Chart, drag Proportion to the Horizontal Axis and State to Vertical Axis, and drag Proportion to the Label tab, as shown in the following figure.
Above is the core component of this document, from which you can see that 78% of products in Illinois hit the profit goal.
For details about other components, click the online preview link in section "Preview".
For the demonstration of this component, see section "Preview".
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