Special Character Processing

  • Last update:August 14, 2023
  • Overview

    Raw text data to be processed often contain special or irregular characters. This document introduces how to process these special characters.

    Space Processing

    Extra spaces in the fields of data tables will disrupt data deduplication, data merging, and other data-related work. You can use the TRIM function to remove extra spaces.

    For details, see TRIM - Removing Leading and Trailing Spaces from the Text.

    Uppercase/Lowercase Processing

    Converting the First Letter of Each Character to Uppercase

    There are two functions useful for processing uppercase and lowercase: PROPER and LOWER

    The PROPER function capitalizes the first letter and letters that follow any non-letter character in texts and converts all other letters to lowercase.

    For example, to convert the first letter of each character in "finebi help document" to uppercase, you can add a calculation indicator named PROPER, enter the formula PROPER("finebi help document"), and click OK.


    Drag this indicator into the analysis area, as shown in the following figure.


    Converting All Letters to Lowercase

    The LOWER function converts all letters in text to lowercase.

    For example, to convert every letter in "FINEBI HELP DOCUMENT" to lowercase, you can add a calculation indicator named LOWER, enter the formula: LOWER("FINEBI HELP DOCUMENT"), and click OK.


    Drag this indicator into the analysis area, as shown in the following figure.



    主题: Advanced Data Analysis
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