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Getting Started with Calculations
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:12-22 18:41      标签:      编辑:15次    |   浏览:1390次

摘要:OverviewThis document introduces how to create and use the calculation function with the sample data[阅读全文:]

User Loyalty Analysis
文档创建者:Lily.Wang      创建时间:06-08 18:13      标签:      编辑:7次    |   浏览:6573次

摘要:OverviewBackgroundUser loyalty refers to the degree of dependence and repeat consumption expectations[阅读全文:]

Cross-Selling Rate Calculation of Market Basket
文档创建者:doreen0813      创建时间:12-27 11:51      标签:      编辑:40次    |   浏览:366次

摘要:OverviewBackgroundYou consider each order a market basket and want to determine the association betwe[阅读全文:]

User Lifecycle Status Analysis
文档创建者:Lily.Wang      创建时间:02-23 15:44      标签:      编辑:4次    |   浏览:9149次

摘要:OverviewDefinitionYou can classify and analyze the lifecycle status of existing customers. Customers[阅读全文:]

Boston Consulting Group Matrix
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:03-10 11:35      标签:      编辑:18次    |   浏览:24967次

摘要:OverviewDefinitionBoston Consulting Group Matrix (BCG Matrix) is also known as the growth-share matri[阅读全文:]

Monthly Repurchase Rate Analysis
文档创建者:Lily.Wang      创建时间:02-24 11:45      标签:      编辑:8次    |   浏览:10134次

摘要:OverviewExpected EffectMonthly repurchase rate = Number of people who made two or more purchases in a[阅读全文:]

CLEAN_WIDGET (Only for DEF-Class Functions)
文档创建者:_189594      创建时间:06-20 15:23      标签:      编辑:7次    |   浏览:119次

摘要:OverviewSyntaxCLEAN_WIDGET(Field 1,Field 2,Field   3....)/CLEAN_WIDGET("ALL")Function[阅读全文:]

CLEAN (Only for DEF-Class Functions)
文档创建者:帆软用户zMzO9vGxfj      创建时间:06-27 10:10      标签:      编辑:3次    |   浏览:217次

摘要:OverviewCLEAN targets fields to ignore the filtering effect of these fields during the current DEF ca[阅读全文:]

Calculation Type Selecting
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:01-22 17:37      标签:      编辑:13次    |   浏览:1097次

摘要:OverviewThis document introduces the calculation types you can use in FineBI.You can use the followin[阅读全文:]

文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:02-28 15:56      标签:      编辑:4次    |   浏览:3195次

摘要:VersionFineBI VersionFunctional Change6.0.16/OverviewThe IFERROR function is used to identify an[阅读全文:]

DEF Function Application Collection
文档创建者:Lily.Wang      创建时间:11-04 17:12      标签:      编辑:7次    |   浏览:785次

摘要:OverviewThis document lists some common analysis scenarios for DEF-type functions.IndexTypeDocumentEn[阅读全文:]

DEF_ADD (Analysis Area Dimension and Specified Dimension)
文档创建者:April陶      创建时间:08-23 11:35      标签:      编辑:16次    |   浏览:1636次

摘要:OverviewDEF_ADD function calculates the value of the aggregate indicator based on the dimension speci[阅读全文:]

Displaying the Sales of the Previous Three Months
文档创建者:April陶      创建时间:03-04 16:13      标签:      编辑:15次    |   浏览:603次

摘要:OverviewBackgroundYou may need to calculate the data for a certain period, such as the sales of the p[阅读全文:]

Displaying the Total Value and Maximum Value Using the KPI Card
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:07-09 15:40      标签:      编辑:7次    |   浏览:2494次

摘要:OverviewExpected EffectText statements are often needed in report dashboards to describe or summarize[阅读全文:]

Field Cleaning
文档创建者:zsh331      创建时间:05-26 10:27      标签:      编辑:3次    |   浏览:270次

摘要:OverviewVersionFineBI VersionFunctional Change6.0/PreviewSometimes, unnecessary characters need to be[阅读全文:]

DEF (Specified Dimension)
文档创建者:April陶      创建时间:08-22 14:17      标签:      编辑:20次    |   浏览:2768次

摘要:OverviewThe DEF function calculates the value of the aggregate indicator based on the specified dimen[阅读全文:]

FIND - Returning the Position of a Specified Character in Text
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 11:37      标签:      编辑:18次    |   浏览:3950次

摘要:OverviewGrammarFIND(find_text,within_text,start_num)Returns the first specified substring (find_text)[阅读全文:]

LEN - Returning the Length of a String
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 11:47      标签:      编辑:5次    |   浏览:1759次

摘要:Extracted DataOverviewGrammarLEN(args)Returns the number of characters of a string.Parameter 1argsPar[阅读全文:]

CONCATENATE - Joining at Least Two or More Strings into One
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 11:45      标签:      编辑:9次    |   浏览:3209次

摘要:OverviewGrammarCONCATENATE(text1,text2,...)Joins at least two strings into one.Parameter 1Text1,text2[阅读全文:]

REPLACE - Replacing Part of a Text
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 11:45      标签:      编辑:9次    |   浏览:3741次

摘要:Usage 1: Replacing Specified Content of a TextOverviewGrammarREPLACE(text,textorreplace,replacetext)R[阅读全文:]

INDEXOF - Returning the Character at a Specified Position in Text
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 11:36      标签:      编辑:4次    |   浏览:2281次

摘要:OverviewGrammarINDEXOF(str1,index)Returns the character in str1 at the position specified by index.Pa[阅读全文:]

TODOUBLE - Converting a Text to a Double Object
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 11:33      标签:      编辑:5次    |   浏览:1692次

摘要:OverviewGrammarTODOUBLE(text)Converts a text to a Double object (a double-precision floating-point nu[阅读全文:]

RIGHT - Returning a Given Number of Right-Most Character(s)
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 11:32      标签:      编辑:7次    |   浏览:1940次

摘要:OverviewGrammarRIGHT(text,num_chars)Returns the last or last several characters in the text, based on[阅读全文:]

UPPER - Converting a Text to Uppercase
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 11:31      标签:      编辑:3次    |   浏览:1225次

摘要:OverviewGrammarUPPER(text)Converts all characters in a text to uppercase.Parameter 1TextText to be co[阅读全文:]

SPLIT - Splitting a Character String
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 11:29      标签:      编辑:10次    |   浏览:3825次

摘要:OverviewGrammarSPLIT(String1,String2 )Returns an array of character strings splited from String1 by t[阅读全文:]

REPEAT - Repeating a Text a Specified Number of Times
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 11:28      标签:      编辑:4次    |   浏览:1661次

摘要:OverviewGrammarREPEAT(text,number_times)Repeats a text a specified number of times.Parameter 1textTex[阅读全文:]

TOINTEGER - Converting a Text to an Integer
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 11:26      标签:      编辑:5次    |   浏览:1691次

摘要:OverviewGrammarTOINTEGER(text)Converts a text to an Integer object.Parameter 1TextText to be converte[阅读全文:]

EXACT - Determining Whether Two Text Strings are Identical
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 11:25      标签:      编辑:3次    |   浏览:1808次

摘要:OverviewGrammarEXACT(text1,text2)Determines whether two text strings are identical. If they are exact[阅读全文:]

MID - Returning a Specified Number of Characters from a Specified Position of a
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 11:23      标签:      编辑:5次    |   浏览:2459次

摘要:OverviewGrammarMID(text,start_num,num_chars)Returns a user-specified number of characters from a spec[阅读全文:]

Analysis Function Overview
文档创建者:April陶      创建时间:08-23 17:20      标签:      编辑:11次    |   浏览:737次

摘要:OverviewDEF, DEF_ADD, and DEF_SUB functions allow users to modify or control the calculation level of[阅读全文:]

REGEXP - Determining Whether a Character String Matches a Regular Expression
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 11:52      标签:      编辑:10次    |   浏览:2496次

摘要:Extracted DataUsage 1OverviewGrammarREGEXP(str,pattern)Determines whether a character string (specifi[阅读全文:]

Special Character Processing
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-22 13:59      标签:      编辑:9次    |   浏览:5476次

摘要:OverviewRaw text data to be processed often contain special or irregular characters. This document in[阅读全文:]

文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 13:56      标签:      编辑:4次    |   浏览:2415次

摘要:OverviewGrammarNVL(value1,value2,value3,...)Returns the first non-null value among all parameters.Not[阅读全文:]

ISNULL - Determining Whether an Object is Null
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 13:54      标签:      编辑:5次    |   浏览:3722次

摘要:OverviewGrammarISNULL(object)Determines whether an object is null or empty.Parameter 1objectObject to[阅读全文:]

STARTWITH - Determining Whether str1 Starts with str2
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 11:54      标签:      编辑:2次    |   浏览:1603次

摘要:OverviewGrammarSTARTWITH(str1,str2)Determining whether str1 starts with str2.Parameter 1str1Character[阅读全文:]

PROPER - Converting Texts to Proper Letter Case
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 11:50      标签:      编辑:1次    |   浏览:1605次

摘要:OverviewGrammarPROPER(text)Capitalizes the first letter and letters that follow any non-letter charac[阅读全文:]

CODE - Returning a Numeric Code for the First Character in a Text String
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 11:48      标签:      编辑:1次    |   浏览:1329次

摘要:OverviewGrammarCODE(text)Returns a numeric code for the first character in a text string. The returne[阅读全文:]

CHAR - Returning the Character Specified by a Number
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 11:48      标签:      编辑:4次    |   浏览:1520次

摘要:OverviewGrammarCHAR(number)Returns the character specified by a number, by which you can convert code[阅读全文:]

LOWER - Converting Text to Lowercase
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 11:46      标签:      编辑:3次    |   浏览:1158次

摘要:OverviewGrammarLOWER(text)Converts all characters in text to lowercase.Parameter 1textText to be conv[阅读全文:]

Sales Gap Analysis
文档创建者:01KilgRU      创建时间:12-29 14:42      标签:      编辑:3次    |   浏览:282次

摘要:OverviewBackgroundThis document introduces how to compare the sales volume of the chosen category wit[阅读全文:]

YOY Ratio of Accumulated Sales as of Each Month
文档创建者:Julia.Hu-胡佳涵      创建时间:04-11 15:38      标签:      编辑:7次    |   浏览:473次

摘要:OverviewBackgroundThe accumulated sales as of each month every year can be calculated through the qui[阅读全文:]

Cross-Row Calculation of Growth Rate
文档创建者:Julia.Hu-胡佳涵      创建时间:04-14 11:05      标签:      编辑:8次    |   浏览:459次

摘要:OverviewBackgroundThis article introduces how to calculate the sales growth rate of one year compared[阅读全文:]

Cohort Analysis
文档创建者:Julia.Hu-胡佳涵      创建时间:04-14 10:21      标签:      编辑:5次    |   浏览:490次

摘要:OverviewBackgroundCohort analysis groups users by their shared purchase characteristics. For example,[阅读全文:]

Detailed Analysis of Goal Completion
文档创建者:Lily.Wang      创建时间:11-10 10:54      标签:      编辑:10次    |   浏览:494次

摘要:OverviewBackgroundIt is easy to calculate whether each state hit the profit goal, but such a general[阅读全文:]

Consumption Cycle
文档创建者:Julia.Hu-胡佳涵      创建时间:04-14 14:49      标签:      编辑:3次    |   浏览:413次

摘要:OverviewBackgroundTo know how many users consume once a month, every two months, every three months,[阅读全文:]

Customer Inflow and Outflow Analysis
文档创建者:Lily.Wang      创建时间:03-11 15:07      标签:      编辑:14次    |   浏览:8184次

摘要:OverviewBackgroundSam, person in charge of a department store, wants to analyze the competitiveness o[阅读全文:]

RFM Analysis
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:01-04 22:44      标签:      编辑:42次    |   浏览:42549次

摘要:OverviewRFM analysis, a simple and practical customer analysis method proposed by American database m[阅读全文:]

TRIM - Removing Leading and Trailing Spaces from the Text
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 11:08      标签:      编辑:9次    |   浏览:2740次

摘要:Overview GrammarTRIM(text)Returns the text with all leading and trailing spaces removed.Paramete[阅读全文:]

ENDWITH - Determining Whether the Given String Ends with the Specified Substring
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 11:15      标签:      编辑:8次    |   浏览:1968次

摘要:OverviewGrammarENDWITH(str1, str2)Determines whether str1 ends with str2.Parameter 1str1Character str[阅读全文:]

NUMTO - Returning Number-Converted Chinese Texts
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 11:18      标签:      编辑:8次    |   浏览:2384次

摘要:OverviewGrammarNUMTO (number, bool) or NUMTO (number)Returns number-converted Chinese texts.Parameter[阅读全文:]

LEFT – Returning First Character(s) of Required Numbers
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 11:20      标签:      编辑:8次    |   浏览:3204次

摘要:OverviewGrammarLEFT(text, num_chars)Returns the first or first several characters in the text, based[阅读全文:]

SUBSTITUTE - Substituting for Specified Text
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 11:21      标签:      编辑:10次    |   浏览:2658次

摘要:OverviewGrammarSUBSTITUTE(text, old_text, new_text, instance_num)Substitutes new_text for old_text in[阅读全文:]

FORMAT - Format Conversion
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 11:11      标签:      编辑:9次    |   浏览:4632次

摘要:OverviewIn scenarios where frequent format conversion is required during data analysis, FineBI provid[阅读全文:]

TAN - Tangent
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 10:28      标签:      编辑:2次    |   浏览:987次

摘要:OverviewGrammarTAN(number)Returns the tangent of a given angle.ParameternumberThe angle in radians yo[阅读全文:]

SIN - Sine
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 10:27      标签:      编辑:1次    |   浏览:885次

摘要:OverviewGrammarSIGN(number)Calculates the sine of a given angle.ParameternumberThe angle in radians y[阅读全文:]

RADIANS - Converting Degrees to Radians
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 10:26      标签:      编辑:1次    |   浏览:956次

摘要:OverviewGrammarRADIANS(angle)Converts degrees to radians.ParameterAngleAn angle in degrees to be conv[阅读全文:]

POWER - Returning the Power of a Number
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 10:25      标签:      编辑:3次    |   浏览:1088次

摘要:OverviewGrammarPOWER(number, power)Returns the result of a number raised to a power.Parameter 1number[阅读全文:]

PI - A Mathematical Constant
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 10:23      标签:      编辑:1次    |   浏览:1007次

摘要:OverviewGrammarPI(number)Returns the mathematical constant pi.ParameternumberWhen the number is empty[阅读全文:]

DEGREES - Converting Radians to Degrees
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 10:22      标签:      编辑:1次    |   浏览:1006次

摘要:OverviewGrammarDEGREES(angle)Converts radians to degrees.ParameterAngleThe angle in radians to be con[阅读全文:]

COS - Cosine
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 10:21      标签:      编辑:2次    |   浏览:885次

摘要:OverviewGrammarCOS(number)Returns the cosine of an angle.ParameternumberThe angle in radians you want[阅读全文:]

ATAN2 - Returning the Arctangent of X and Y Coordinates
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 10:20      标签:      编辑:2次    |   浏览:870次

摘要:OverviewGrammarATAN2(x_num, y_num)Returns the arctangent of X and Y coordinates. The arctangent is th[阅读全文:]

ACOS - Arccosine
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 10:06      标签:      编辑:3次    |   浏览:1020次

摘要:OverviewGrammarACOS(number)Returns the arccosine, namely inverse cosine, of a number. The arccosine v[阅读全文:]

ASIN - Arcsine
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 10:08      标签:      编辑:4次    |   浏览:903次

摘要:OverviewGrammarACOS(number)Returns the arcsine, or inverse sine, of a number. The arcsine value is an[阅读全文:]

ATAN - Calculating the Arctangent of a Number
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-10 10:09      标签:      编辑:1次    |   浏览:843次

摘要:OverviewGrammarATAN(number)Calculates the arctangent, or inverse tangent, of a number. The parameter[阅读全文:]

EXP - Returning the Nth Power of e
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-09 19:58      标签:      编辑:3次    |   浏览:1134次

摘要:OverviewGrammarEXP(number)Returns the nth power of e. The constant e is based on the natural logarith[阅读全文:]

MOD - Returning the Remainder After Division of Two Numbers
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-09 19:50      标签:      编辑:6次    |   浏览:1364次

摘要:Extracted Data VersionOverviewGrammarMOD(number, divisor)Returns the remainder after the number is di[阅读全文:]

PROMOTION - Returning the Proportion Increased from Value1 to Value2.
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-09 19:54      标签:      编辑:4次    |   浏览:1107次

摘要:OverviewGrammarPROMOTION(value1, value2)Returns the proportion increased from value1 to value2.Parame[阅读全文:]

CEILING - Rounding Up
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-09 19:45      标签:      编辑:5次    |   浏览:1368次

摘要:Extracted Data VersionOverviewGrammarCEILING(number)Rounds up the number parameter to the nearest int[阅读全文:]

SQRT - Calculating the Arithmetic Square Root of a Non-Negative Number
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-09 16:34      标签:      编辑:4次    |   浏览:1689次

摘要:OverviewGrammarSQRT(number)Returns the arithmetic square root of a non-negative number. You can set n[阅读全文:]

FLOOR - Rounding Down
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-09 16:38      标签:      编辑:6次    |   浏览:1485次

摘要:Extracted Data VersionOverviewGrammarFLOOR(number)Rounds down the number parameter to the nearest int[阅读全文:]

MIN - Returning the Minimum Value
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-09 16:49      标签:      编辑:3次    |   浏览:1207次

摘要:OverviewGrammarMIN(number 1, number 2, ...)Returns the minimum value among listed parameters.Paramete[阅读全文:]

FACT - Returning the Factorial of a Number
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-09 18:45      标签:      编辑:2次    |   浏览:1383次

摘要:OverviewGrammarFACT(number)Returns the factorial of a number (equal to N in 1*2*3*...*N).Paramet[阅读全文:]

RANDBETWEEN - Returning a Random Integer between Two Values
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-09 18:53      标签:      编辑:4次    |   浏览:1286次

摘要:OverviewGrammarRANDBETWEEN(value1, value2)Returns a random integer between value1 and value2.When the[阅读全文:]

SIGN - Returning the Sign of a Number
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-09 19:38      标签:      编辑:4次    |   浏览:1236次

摘要:OverviewGrammarSIGN(number)Returns the sign of a number. Returns 1 for positive numbers, 0 for zero,[阅读全文:]

LN - Returning the Natural Logarithm of a Number
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-09 19:20      标签:      编辑:1次    |   浏览:1161次

摘要:OverviewGrammarLN(number)Returns the natural logarithm of a number. The natural logarithm is based on[阅读全文:]

TRUNC - Returning a Number with Specified Decimal Places
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-09 18:15      标签:      编辑:3次    |   浏览:1611次

摘要:OverviewGrammarTRUNC(number, num_digits)Truncates a number to an integer or a decimal by removing spe[阅读全文:]

MAX - Returning the Maximum Value
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-09 16:47      标签:      编辑:2次    |   浏览:1567次

摘要:OverviewGrammarMAX(number 1, number 2, ...)Returns the maximum value among listed parameters.Par[阅读全文:]

DuPont Analysis
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:11-26 17:18      标签:      编辑:13次    |   浏览:13699次

摘要:OverviewConceptDuPont analysis uses the relationship between key financial ratios to comprehensively[阅读全文:]

ABC Analysis
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:01-04 19:53      标签:      编辑:72次    |   浏览:47541次

摘要:OverviewDefinitionAn ABC inventory classification system, also known as the Pareto Analysis, primary[阅读全文:]

FineBI Application Document Collection
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:12-15 18:35      标签:      编辑:49次    |   浏览:46477次

摘要:OverviewThis document filters, organizes, classifies, and typesets the actual application documents o[阅读全文:]

Conversion Analysis
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:11-16 17:20      标签:      编辑:14次    |   浏览:13376次

摘要:OverviewDefinitionThe conversion funnel model analyzes the steps required to reach an outcome by outl[阅读全文:]

EARLIER — Getting Value of the Current Row
文档创建者:April陶      创建时间:08-23 14:44      标签:      编辑:10次    |   浏览:1361次

摘要:OverviewEARLIER: Get the value of the current row. It is only applicable to DEF, DEF_ADD, and DEF_SUB[阅读全文:]

Demand Analysis — KANO Model
文档创建者:Lily.Wang      创建时间:03-19 14:40      标签:      编辑:14次    |   浏览:9995次

摘要:OverviewBackgroundAs a product manager, John often has difficulty in meeting product demands, because[阅读全文:]

AARRR User Operation Analysis
文档创建者:Haley      创建时间:07-07 16:53      标签:      编辑:0次    |   浏览:467次

摘要:OverviewConceptThis document uses the AARRR model for user operation analysis. The AARRR model (also[阅读全文:]

Market Basket Analysis
文档创建者:Haley      创建时间:07-07 16:28      标签:      编辑:0次    |   浏览:834次

摘要:OverviewConceptMarket basket analysis is an analysis method that associates two different products an[阅读全文:]

Retention Analysis
文档创建者:Haley      创建时间:07-05 16:34      标签:      编辑:1次    |   浏览:774次

摘要:OverviewConceptRetention analysis, an analysis model, is used to analyze users' engagement/a[阅读全文:]

Overview of Quick Calculation Functions
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:07-02 11:26      标签:      编辑:4次    |   浏览:3413次

摘要:Use ScopeUse LocationDashboardAdding Calculation IndicatorFunction ListFunctionDescriptionPERIOD_ANLS[阅读全文:]

Searching Duplicate Data in Different Column Fields
文档创建者:Roxy      创建时间:06-22 14:54      标签:      编辑:5次    |   浏览:4086次

摘要:OverviewProblemSometimes you may need to find the same data in different column fields (duplicate val[阅读全文:]

文档创建者:帆软用户hgOEQ5SUw0      创建时间:05-05 16:04      标签:      编辑:8次    |   浏览:688次

摘要:OverviewVersionFineBI Version6.0.9FunctionsIN is used to evaluate whether the result of the expressio[阅读全文:]

Displaying the Top N Dynamically
文档创建者:Jenny.Tang      创建时间:06-19 15:10      标签:      编辑:25次    |   浏览:12328次

摘要:OverviewEffectAfter ranking the sales volume, you can filter out the top 30% of stores by sales volum[阅读全文:]

文档创建者:帆软用户hgOEQ5SUw0      创建时间:05-05 16:12      标签:      编辑:0次    |   浏览:459次

摘要:OverviewNOT is used to evaluate whether the expression meets a certain condition. If it belongs,[阅读全文:]

Purchase Frequency Analysis
文档创建者:Haley      创建时间:04-14 11:55      标签:      编辑:0次    |   浏览:536次

摘要:OverviewBackgroundIt is easy to calculate the purchase frequency of each client with an order detail[阅读全文:]

Comparison of Business Performance in Different Regions
文档创建者:Penny.Kong-孔蓬琳      创建时间:04-13 16:26      标签:      编辑:1次    |   浏览:515次

摘要:OverviewBackgroundYou may need to compare the business performance of stores in different regions bas[阅读全文:]

Monthly Profit Days Statistics
文档创建者:Penny.Kong-孔蓬琳      创建时间:04-11 16:09      标签:      编辑:2次    |   浏览:509次

摘要:OverviewBackgroundIn addition to viewing the trend of profit changes over time easily, you may want t[阅读全文:]

Linkage Settings Between Components
文档创建者:Haley      创建时间:03-19 18:48      标签:      编辑:2次    |   浏览:814次

摘要:OverviewVersionFineBI VersionFunctional Change6.0/Application ScenariosAfter configuring several comp[阅读全文:]

Introduction to Component Interactivity
文档创建者:Haley      创建时间:03-20 14:25      标签:      编辑:1次    |   浏览:482次

摘要:OverviewAfter you have finished creating table and chart components, you may need to further explore[阅读全文:]

文档创建者:Haley      创建时间:03-09 20:11      标签:      编辑:3次    |   浏览:721次

摘要:OverviewSUM_AGG function is used to summarize and add up data for the specified dimension (dragg[阅读全文:]

Introduction to Data Processing and Calculation
文档创建者:Penny.Kong-孔蓬琳      创建时间:03-20 14:32      标签:      编辑:0次    |   浏览:614次

摘要:OverviewData analysis demand is increasing rapidly in enterprises.In this topic, you will learn pract[阅读全文:]

文档创建者:Felicity      创建时间:03-17 11:51      标签:      编辑:0次    |   浏览:269次

摘要:OverviewSyntaxLUNAR(year, month, day)Returns the lunar time corresponding to the current datePar[阅读全文:]