Level 1: Detail Filtering

  • Last update:July 05, 2024
  • Overview


    FineBI Version
    Functional Change

    Changed Filter Detail to 

    Indicator Condition.

    Application Scenario

    Indicator condition filtering is to filter the detailed data in the original table. The filtered data will not participate in the subsequent dashboard calculations.

    Function Description

    In addition to the detail table, the entry of the Indicator Condition for other chart components is located in the to-be-analyzed area of the dashboard (in the lower left corner), as shown in the following figure.

    Since the detail table displays detail data, all filtering operations executed by the detail table belong to the indicator condition filtering.



    A common scenario for the indicator condition filtering is to calculate the proportion.

    Component Creation

    Create an analysis subject, upload the built-in data table Store sales statistics in FineBI, and add a component, as shown in the following figure.


    Indicator Condition Filtering

    To obtain a field that only includes the gross profit of the fashion hall, you can filter the field gross profit and only display data of Fashion hall.

    1. Copy and paste the field gross profit, name the pasted field Gross Profit of Fashion Hall, and perform Indicator Condition on the pasted field, as shown in the following figure.


    2. Add a filtering condition of Shop style and set the condtion to InFixed Valueand Fashion hall in sequence, as shown in the following figure.


    Proportion Calculation

    Add a calculated field and use the formula: SUM_AGG(Gross Profit of Fashion Hall)/SUM_AGG(gross profit).


    Group Table Creation

    Through the above operations, you can obtain the gross profit of the fashion hall in each region and the proportion of each fashion hall's gross profit to the total gross profit.

    Finally, set Value Format of the field Gross Profit of Fashion Hall to Percentage.


    Display Rule of Indicator Condition Filtering

    Single Indicator Condition Filtering

    If you perform Indicator Condition on the only indicator field in a table, the table will remove the entire rows where values (that do not meet the filtering condition) are located.

    For example, if you perform Indicator Condition (filtering condition: Value 3 is greater than 0) on the only indicator field Value 3 in the following table, rows with values less than 0 in the Value 3 field will be removed, as shown in the following figure.


    Multi-indicator Detail Filtering

    If you perform Indicator Condition on an indicator field in a component with multiple indicator fields, the table will display non-empty data (that does not meet the filtering condition) as empty for complete data display of the entire rows, rather than remove the entire rows. Data that was originally empty will remain empty after indicator condition filtering. Data displayed as empty will not be included in the summary calculation.

    For example, if you perform Indicator Condition (filtering condition: Value 3 is greater than 0) for the indicator field Value 3 in the following table, which includes two indicator fields Value 3 and Count, values less than 0 in the Value 3 field will be displayed as empty, as shown in the following figure.


    Multi-indicator's Detail Filtering on the Same Field

    If you perform Indicator Condition on the same field in multiple indicator fields, the table will display field data (that does not meet the filtering condition) as empty and display data in Count (that does not meet the filtering condition) as 0. The empty data will not be included in the summary calculation.

    For example, if you perform detail filtering (filtering condition: Value 3 is greater than 0) for the indicator field Value 3 and perform indicator condition filtering (filtering condition: Value 3 is less than 5.) for Count, the effect will be as follows.


    Filtering Condition Instruction

    After setting detail filtering for indicators, you can add filtering conditions through Add Condition or Add Formula.


    The following table shows the supported filtering conditions corresponding to different field types after you click Add Condition.

    Field Type
    Supported Filtering Condition


    In, Not In, Contain, Not Contain, Begin with, End with, Not Begin with, Not End with, Null, and Not Null


    In, Not In, By, Since, Equal to, Not Equal to, Null, and Not Null


    Between, Not Between, Equal to, Not Equal to, More than, Less than, More than/Equal to, Less than/Equal to, Null, and Not Null


    主题: Creating a Visual Component
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